Read your manual as there are some format requirements to pay attention to. Get at least a 64gig card as the C8 overwrites when the card is full so a min. A 64 gives you some extra time if you want to save videos off the card and don't get around to it right away.
The system will actually format a fresh card for you. In the 2024 infotainment system at least . I believe you also have the option to record continuously, overwriting what’s already on the card, or stopping when it’s full.
Settings menu.
. Audio Recording – Select on or off to
record audio with the recorded video.
. Automatic Recording – When on, the PDR
will automatically begin recording
whenever the vehicle is in the Run Power
Mode. Configurations include:
‐ Automatic Recording Video Quality
‐ While in Valet Mode only
‐ Whether to allow recording overwrite
when the storage is full
. Video Recording Quality – Low (480p),
or High (1080p). Higher quality will result
in larger recording files.
. Software Information – Displays PDR
software information and version .
And yes , it requires a minimum class 10 SD card. And the display will offer to format the card for you. Definitely set it for 1080P . Much better quality although not stellar. So the larger the card the better.
I believe it can use up to a 1 TB card but it’s a 16 GB minimum.