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Status Updates

Nov 22, 2022
2023 Red Mist HTC
GM sends a series of updates by email as your C8 order goes from 3000 status to 3400 etc etc I have received none - I asked the Canadian Corvette Concierge whether this was a US only thing or if Canadians rec'd these emails too. He was worse than useless and had no idea but claimed he was not aware of Canadians receiving these email updates. So as Canadians did you receive the same update emails as the US buyers? Common sense says they would send update emails to all buyers but the Corvette Concierge was incompetent and refused to ask why I have received no email updates
It is my understanding that it is hit and miss even in the States. GM is useless with computers for some stupid reason. When I was working I'd send thousands of emails a day for a variety of reasons. If I had access to the Workbench Database I could send emails to every freakin GM customer per day. A no brainer. But for some reason it is beyond GM's skill level.
I called the US Corvette Concierge just now, because its a Canadian order he cant even bring it up on his screen, all he could do is transfer me to the Canadian Concierge
I called the US Corvette Concierge just now, because its a Canadian order he cant even bring it up on his screen, all he could do is transfer me to the Canadian Concierge
Yes, I could have told you that. Have you tried the Museum?
I asked the US concierge if Shane at the Museum would be able to see canadian orders, he did not think so but really had no idea -- can you share Shane's number yet again?
Yes, Shane can see everything. Man is good. He helped me when I ordered the photo album
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Yes, Shane can see everything. Man is good. He helped me when I ordered the photo album
You might find this interesting - Shane confirmed my Status of 3300 and TPW 12/12/2022 - here is the response I just got from the morons at the Canadian Corv Conciege -
Here is the info that was provided to us I have located your order and can see that your vehicle has not yet been assigned a Target Production Week at this time, but I would recommend reaching back out in 3-4 weeks for your next update Call back at the end of January and we can request another status

They work off a weekly report. When the C8 started in production they had access to backline support (The group name escapes me at the moment) who have access to distant TPW's. Because of all the complaints and hassles the rank and file produced, their access was removed. As far as I know there is only one group we have access to that has the kind of access that can get a distant TPW and that is the museum. 12/12 is close, but remember they are working off a weekly report which could be a week behind for all we know. If the concierge couldn't tell you your status was at 3300 then it likely changed from 3000 recently. I (and others) have said this time and time again, do not bother with the concierge. Your dealer can get you better info than them and failing that, the museum is a valuable asset.
I wish there was better dealer communication as well. They can't get you distant TPW's, but they can see them when they are close. They can also get you your vin at 3400 if they know how.
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How does the dealer get your vin from a status 3400?
How does the dealer get your vin from a status 3400?
He has to do a vin incentive lookup. Most don't know how to do it, but once told they still seem to want to ignore it. lol.
If you are tight with your dealer and your salesman has the access (some don't) they can do a vehicle Order Inquiry, then scroll all the way to the right there is a "Vin incentive lookup" link which they can click on to get the last 8 digits of the vin.
Sometimes the GM only can do it. It all depends on their access.
Many thanks.....

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