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I was desperate ,the buggers we're destroying my shop and I tried everything .Rat traps , Havahart traps , electrocution and drowning .I could shoot 'em but I'd have to sit there all day to get two of the suckers .

My finial resort was peanuts in the shell and old anti-freeze .Got 12 of them in two days .I took a aluminum disposable pan with 20-30 peanuts and spray with anti-freeze .Filled the pan up every hour or so and the critters treated it like a donut buffet at Tim Horton's .

A serious warning ,first it's a little cruel way to kill anything .Also be careful that pets can't get to the peanuts OR dead Squirrels .A family pet can die from chewing on the dead carcass .

This was my last resort (I think).Any better ideas ?
Fly bait mixed with cola. No personal experience but more than one person has told me that this will drop just about any critter in its tracks including racoons. Just be real careful where you put it.
i have one of those sonic repellant thingies, it has three sound level settings depending on what size of pest you want to repel. i leave mine on the second setting year round and the unit has appeared to do the trick for the last four years. i used to have problems with mice, chipmunks, and squirrels. they would chew atv wiring, stuff air boxes full of crap and nest all over in there. now the only evidence i see is in my woodshed next to the garage which does'nt bother me. :canada:
I like animals too but seeing the interior of a tractor, combine, swather or grain truck tends to make me a bit more of a realist. All things in their places and animals damaging my equipment means they draw the short straw.

An interesting historical note. When the German 6th Army was surrounded at Stalingrad and the Germans were getting ready to launch a counter-attack to try to break the siege and link up with them, a panzer unit that had been in shelter resting found that their tanks would not start. The interior wiring had been chewed through by mice........


Have had squirrels in two houses in the attic, I used a method of a neighbours. Moth balls, all around, put them in places where you can't smell them. Within a month they were gone, and have not returned since the summer of 2011. Moth balls also work if thrown all over the crawl space to keep mice, frogs etc away. If you have to put a deterrent where you are working, sheets of bounce also will keep them away.
Have had squirrels in two houses in the attic, I used a method of a neighbours. Moth balls, all around, put them in places where you can't smell them. Within a month they were gone, and have not returned since the summer of 2011. Moth balls also work if thrown all over the crawl space to keep mice, frogs etc away. If you have to put a deterrent where you are working, sheets of bounce also will keep them away.

+1 about the moth balls. They are also good for keeping your neighbour's cats away from 'dumping' in your garden.
A ring around the veggie garden keeps the critters out too without 'tainting' the veggies.

Now does anyone know what to do about slugs in the veggie garden besides using about $15 worth of slug bait? Out here we have slugs on steroids.

Foil pie plates with beer in them overnight. If the racoons don't get drunk, the snails will drown....but they'll go happy.
Check the latest TSC flyer. They have several sizes of live traps including a special one for skunks. That's one I would be interested in. We trapped 18 raccoons last summer and one skunk. Skunks are kind of nice little guys and don't bother you unless you bother them first. I just open the trap and let the little rascals carry on their merry way. The raccoons don't get off so lightly.
We used to use mothballs in the cottage and still got mice. Same with the cars. Since using Bounce dryer sheets, zero mouse problems for about five years running. No mice and the house and cars smell respectable in the spring.
Bounce dryer sheets are also good for keeping those pesky deer flies away too. What we need most is something to control those totally nasty black flies. We pretty well stay away from our cottage north of Buckhorn while they are out in full force in May. Except for the black flies it is one of the nicest times of the year to be at the lake.
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