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Snow squalls???

Woke up to everything covered in snow again. Another setback to getting the Vette out! :swear: :swear: :swear:
Just got back from Cuba, landed last night in the rain, snow flakes this morning.. I want to go back.

Jeepers Wayne -- the least you could have done was bring back some decent weather ........... At this rate we'll never get our 'vettes back out and certainly never sample the upper reaches of their capabilities........

Go back and bring us some decent weather please.

The unthinkable happened here today Greg -- it snowed -- It snowed about 2" and enough for me to have to go out and shovel it. I hope nobody was close enough to hear what I said about it........
An hour later of course it was gone and the sun came back out and actually the day was fine after that.

For those couple hours this morning, tho - it was not pleasant.......:swear:

It's been a terribly cold drawn out spring around here Colin. We still have snowbanks in our laneway and still some on the deck at the back of the house. Lots of dirt, grit and salt along the edges of the roads. Calling for heavy rains on Monday which should really help. I should be on the road by the 15th I'm thinking.

Yeah heavy rain here Monday Tuesday and warmer too so that should help clean up the winter mess.

Taking her to Mud street tomorrow and hoping to not get too much dust and crap on her tender underside....

Pics to follow.

Having seen your '75 late last year I'm really lookin' forward to seeing the latest mods on the interior and wheels. That's gonna look even more beautiful.

It looks like spring starts on Sunday. 50+F every day after that and three days of rain to get rid of all the salt. Might just get out for a cruise later next week. Perfect.
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10-15cm here in the last 12 hours with more to come tonight.......hwys closed ect ect ect.

I hear ya SB -- and sure we've got it pretty good here compared to some of you guys out there, but damn -- we're so spoiled that if we get any of this crap after March we're pissed.........

Last year is still fresh in our memories : We'd had about 5 weeks of summer by the first part of April. --

Hope it improves for everyone soon and we can get 'back on track'.


Hope the rehab is going well for you and you'll be in good shape for the upcoming spring.

Hang in there Colin. 16C on Monday here but lots of rain next week. I say one more week and all will be well here. Winter was late to come so it stands to reason it is late to leave.
April 25 last year a snow storm went just north of us with enough snow to bring out the sand trucks. Hopefully, spring is finally here. The temperatures are looking good for the next week with enough rain to wash the salt all the way to Lake Ontario.
light dusting of snow overnight here. the sump pump was coming on about every 10 min.-thank goodness. the ice on the lake has risen alot, i hope i won't be waving bye-bye to my dock our hydro never went out but the town of buckhorn was still out at noon yesterday. i would really like to see some dry weather as i need to dig test holes for a septic permit and sure don't need them filling with water. it will sure delay my bringing the car home from storage at my buddy's too as the private road in is awfully sad this spring.
Your picture looks mighty familiar Colin. Just changed the oil yesterday afternoon then stared out of the garage door in disbelief at the snow coming down in Cambridge. Not a happy camper. Today looks sunny though. Hope to get out later. Looking forward to LA Franks opening. The official start of summer!

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