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Snow in the forecast this week!


High RPM Poster
2 You're 10
Jul 6, 2012
none right now.
If all of the torrential rain here isn't bad enough I checked the forecast for the rest of the week: Snow flurries for Wednesday and Thursday!! It's a bit too soon for that crap!
Cmon now boys, have some faith. Hopefully we have at least another month or so in south western Ontario before its time for bed.
Hey Riley, is that a can of Rockstar energy drink on your truck? if so you are going to need more than one can to get that thing finished!!
Mine going to bed at the end of the month rain or shine if I can ever get the battery out. Will try again this weekend.

Yes it is! My truck is only useful as a cup holder right now. I don't drink coffee, so the RS is what I've made my bad habit. At this rate, it'll be a couple more weeks before my truck is done.

PS. They were calling for more snow last night. It never came so we may get away with another week or two without snow.
We had some snow here overnight in the outlying areas and some flurries in the air today. Only 2C here tonight. The rain has been relentless.
Been cool windy and wet here Greg -- no snow yet but they are in the air and lake effect flurries are in the forecast........
Still hoping for some decent weather b4 the other vette goes to bed.

Really bad here this morning. We got some sleet overnight and roads were very slippery. Lots of cars and tractor trailers in the ditch. Even an OPP cruiser went off the road. I hope the weather is better tomorrow as I have some big plans and will be on the highway.
Greg, if it is any consolation, we have snow here in Midland and they are saying more is on the way. It looks like a really tough winter is on the way this year. Stay safe.
I was watching Environment Canada radar yesterday and there was a line of precipitation coming south east off Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Most of it stayed west of us. Thursday morning we had a little on the garage roof but it had melted on the ground. I have a couple more oil changes to do on vehicles.

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