My poor, poor Chevelle had to spend the winter outside. I can't believe how much snow was on the old girl. I feel really bad about it. Anyway, now that it is threatening to melt, I wanted to get all the snow away from the sides of the car so I don't have water sitting against the body panels and on the roof. I shoveled it off a couple times in the winter but the fricking snow just blew in again by the next week so I left it until now. Our last storm really blew it in. The snow was very dry where it was on the car so it's nice to know it hasn't started melting on the car yet. Anyway, 1.5 hours of shoveling resulted in this.
Anyone have advise for parking cars outside so this doesn't happen? Or at least can be minimized?
Anyone have advise for parking cars outside so this doesn't happen? Or at least can be minimized?