Should everyone add 2 quarts / C8 DCT

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I'm not in that camp. I think GM knows what they are doing and if it's not necessary for a street car according to GM then it isn't necessary!
GM worked very close with Tremec on these trannies.
Now will it hurt? definitely not. So if you are worried, then do it.
Jury is still out on this topic.
Many of us spend thousands in protection products(wraps, ceramic, etc)
It cost me <$100. to buy 2liters the DCT fluid, $3. For a fitting an $5 for some clear clean hose and 2 hours of my time start to finish.
Seeing as it does no harm, but “could” reduce the risk of some issues, I decided this was cost effective and prudent to do this procedure, providing a layer of protecion to the DCT unit and killing the conversation for me, on this topic. I now sleep better too .😂
After doing this, the only question I have, is why did they not design the Fill plug 2” towards the rear of the DCT case, so you do not have to mess with the air box? It appears there is room, but I guess engineering knows what they are doing.
Ok Dude.
Don't read your manual.
Don’t see that it specifically states when and why you want this.
Go believe a YouTube “expert”
Enjoy waxing your mode selector and writing all about it.
Anytime you want to get waxed on the track hit me up, go follow a fuel economy thread!
Now I am sorry that I asked the question! Seems to be quite a difference of opinions.
I will default to the source. Thanks Everyone
You can tell there are a variety of opinions. lol. Do what you think is right. It's your car. I think I might try the tilt the car option to add "some" more fluid. But I'm not worried.
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