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Say Goodbye to Rob (Steamer) @ Mud St

Oct 13, 2011
Ancaster, ON
2004 convertible
I know it's short notice but..... his visa has expired and poor old Rob has to go back to the hell hole that is central BC.

Come and say goodbye at Mud Street Tuesday June 11th. 11:30am Dress code will be in effect.

Once again if Riley shows up his meal is free.
Sorry Wayne..... I will not be able to make it. Will filming/producing a short video of the Mayor and his cohorts that day.
Rob, hope you have a good trip back out west. Will see ya next time your out this way.
rob i would have liked to go and meet up with you and the other lads during your ontario visit but unfortunatly this year i have to limit myself to localized stuff. you and the gang have a good time and have a safe trip home. :seeya: doug.
As Doug said, sorry I didn't get down to the Coping event to meet you but I too am busy at home (though not to the extent of Doug!) this year and sticking to more local events. Have a safe trip home Rob.
Great to see everyone again -- Rob (Steamer), Wayne (FordPrefect), Tony & Kathy from Welland, Terry and I.
Always nice to meet up with our forum friends especially our buddy from BC -- Steamer...... Safe trip home Rob -- these 3 weeks seem to have flown by -- Hoping you can make it back again soon.

Well I'd like to thank each and everyone of you fine folks for a great send off. I'm safely back home after another great trip to Ontario. I can't believe that three weeks can go by that quickly but it has. Great to see everyone again and I look forward to doing it again sometime in the future.
Thanks everyone! Rob
Always a good time when you come to town Steamer -- Hope you get back this way again soon. I'll call sis and brother in law and say hi soon.

Don't forget pics of your Valley 'vette meet tonight.


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