Yes! Come on out. Ryan (N2Ovette) came out from Calgary last year and I believe he is planning on coming out again. The more vettes the merrier! I think there are usually around 800 cars there.
are any saskatoonians be out tomorrow -if weather allows- at the A&W on 22nd?

There will be supposedly around 50 cars. Hopefully I cant get some Vette guys to go with..usually most of them are from the DRaggins Club
hey guys, tonight, well, I guess every couple of weeks a bunch of guysm, drop ins and members of the DRaggins club meet at the A&W restaurants around the city...
but maybe when they have it at the A&W @ Stonebridge in couple of weeks we can meet there too...nice environment
Cruise weekend

Sorry we haven't been out with our green 76 lately, crappy weather and a hectic spring and summer. We are looking forward to Cruise Weekend. Will we be at the same location as last year?
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