Rubber, vinyl, leather care

Armour all is a solvent based protectant.
It will actually draw the oils out of the rubber as it dries. It you've ever put it on your dash and had your car out on a hot day. You get fogging or hazing on the inside of the windshield as it wicks away. Not good. A great protectant to use is 303 Protectant.
A good friend of mine is about the best detailer in town here and he really believes in 303 and Auto Glym. Auto Glym makes a gel for re-blackening the trim on newer vehicles really well .
Wondering what you use for each of the above? I bought some tire dressing from PartSource I am really impressed with, and it was on the discount table! I only use water for the vinyl and leather for now, but the parts are beginning to show that they need another treatment of some sort.

The dash is treated with something low sheen and looks great. I would love to get the same type of stuff that is on there but haven't a clue what he previous owner used. It looks like fresh-from-factory, not all shiny and reflective such as Armor All is prone to do.
Check the INSIDE OUTSIDE for detailing.

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