Real expectation of getting my c8 this year?

You should insist on getting information from your dealer:

1) for 2020, the number of allocations how many 2020 C8's did they actually put in customers' hands
2) for 2021, the number of allocations received to date (how many 2021 C8's delivered to customers) and what they're expecting to receive for for the remainder of the year (usually it's a close match to what they got in 2020, although there's no "guarantees" so that's an approximate but fairly useful assumption)
3) confirmation of your placement on their list: exactly what number you are now and whether all those originally in front of you received a C8...or did some drop off the list for various reasons and bump you up as a result (find out how many dropped off)
4) #3 assumes that once someone drops off the list, you'll automatically move up the list. But get confirmation of this as well. Some dealers will take allocations from customers that no longer want them and order the car for the dealership itself and sell it at a profit. I'd recommend NOT staying on the list with a dealer who does that.

I don't know anything about Carters GM and perhaps there are other members of these Forums that do and can offer you more precise advice. At least you know you're not paying over MSRP...and many dealers will add on an admin or similar fee, so that's not unusual.

Talk to your salesman and if he's not helpful, then meet with the sales manager of your dealership to get the above info. If you don't get answers to the above, I'd move on: pull your deposit (or leave it there if small enough and you're not concerned about it sitting until you get a C8 from someone else; I assume your deposit is refundable until the order is placed; it should be) and find another dealer who gets a good number of allocations and you'll have a better chance of finding a C8...or at least hopefully you'll be better informed. To find that dealer(s), ask around about different dealers and look up Web reviews about those dealerships and when satisfied you've targeted a couple that are good (ensure they're into Corvettes), call them to get their allocation experience and see if you're comfortable with them and then sign up with one or both. And yes, going to the dealers that are sponsors here is a good idea although they're in Ontario and I see you're in BC. You'll pay an extra $1,000+ for shipping, if you buy from Ontario. PM (private message) me on these Forums and I can give you some dealer options for the Edmonton and Calgary areas as well, if interested. I know some members from BC who purchased their C8's in Alberta and picked them up here and drove them back to BC, avoiding ship costs and they had a fun drive home with their new car.

If you really want to get a C8 you'll need to do your "due diligence" by asking around and choosing the right dealer but that effort should pay off. Or maybe Carters GM will come around and satisfy you by answering the above questions to your satisfaction...

Unfortunately if you're now #15 on the list, it's unlikely you'll see a 2021. But if you don't want to be in the same boat for a 2022, I think you need to do the above. Good luck! And as I said, contact me and I'll see what other advice I can offer.
Good advice... You have to stay on top of things or risk getting lost in the shuffle...
Hey Guys, I've been following the forum for several months now but finally joined. I put my order in back in the beginning of June this year in hopes of landing a 2022 before Sept 2023. I went with Brian Cullen a higher volume dealer. I have not played the roulette game and wonder If should even both at this point. From speaking with Tracey at the dealership I sit around that 130 mark... they got 80 2020 vettes and about 100 2021. What does this mean for me... well who knows... drop outs might bring it down for me. I would appreciate anyone's opinion, especially those that have dealt with Brian Cullen or Tracey in particular. So far I'm impressed despite the not so great outlook. He has always been available to take questions and chat.
I also ordered with Tracy at Cullen in June of 2020 and got my car in May 2021. I think you will get your car in the summer of 2022 due to drop outs (some people are on multiple dealer lists so if 1 dealer delivers, people move up at multiple dealers) also z06 will be announced Oct 26 so some people will change from base c8 to z06 orders once they see the new z06.
I also ordered with Tracy at Cullen in June of 2020 and got my car in May 2021. I think you will get your car in the summer of 2022 due to drop outs (some people are on multiple dealer lists so if 1 dealer delivers, people move up at multiple dealers) also z06 will be announced Oct 26 so some people will change from base c8 to z06 orders once they see the new z06.
The chances of anyone dropping off the C8 Stingray list and moving over to the Z06 list are slim-to-none. My understanding is that they are 2 separate lists.

Right now, the big dealers are looking like a 2 year wait on Z06, which likely means 2025, if you put your deposit down today.
I stand by my earlier advice that you should get on multiple lists, unless you're so high up on the list it's "a sure thing" you'll get your C8. There's nothing more frustrating to see others take delivery of their C8's when you're left out, wishing you had yours. You can always drop off a list once you've got an allocation and made your order. The only downside to being on multiple lists is the deposit (refundable) you'll likely have sitting there. As DavidWG mentioned, there may be mid-sized dealerships with lists that aren't too long. It pays to do your homework by calling around, finding out where the list is with a dealership and deciding if it's worthwhile to get on it. I'd even suggest going out-of-province. Anyone who owns and is driving a C8 will agree that this effort is worth it. The initial interest in the C8 has increased IMO as more people see them around and talk to those who own them. Yes you'll have people drop off a list but I suspect it'll be less due to financial reasons and more because people are on multiple lists and getting an allocation elsewhere. So in other words, people who may have dropped off lists for other reasons in the past, may be fewer...since those on lists are more convinced they'll take a C8. Time will tell but why risk it when the pay-off will be so great?

Yesterday I let my friend (a dedicated "car-nut") take my Stingray for a spin. His first time in a C8. Amongst his stable of vehicles, he owns a 3-year old Porsche Turbo S that he bought new (his third 911) and he's now got another Turbo S on order. He found the C8 as much fun as driving his Turbo S but at a third of the price. Those were his words. He's now looking to get a C8 Z06.
I stand by my earlier advice that you should get on multiple lists, unless you're so high up on the list it's "a sure thing" you'll get your C8. There's nothing more frustrating to see others take delivery of their C8's when you're left out, wishing you had yours. You can always drop off a list once you've got an allocation and made your order. The only downside to being on multiple lists is the deposit (refundable) you'll likely have sitting there. As DavidWG mentioned, there may be mid-sized dealerships with lists that aren't too long. It pays to do your homework by calling around, finding out where the list is with a dealership and deciding if it's worthwhile to get on it. I'd even suggest going out-of-province. Anyone who owns and is driving a C8 will agree that this effort is worth it. The initial interest in the C8 has increased IMO as more people see them around and talk to those who own them. Yes you'll have people drop off a list but I suspect it'll be less due to financial reasons and more because people are on multiple lists and getting an allocation elsewhere. So in other words, people who may have dropped off lists for other reasons in the past, may be fewer...since those on lists are more convinced they'll take a C8. Time will tell but why risk it when the pay-off will be so great?

Yesterday I let my friend (a dedicated "car-nut") take my Stingray for a spin. His first time in a C8. Amongst his stable of vehicles, he owns a 3-year old Porsche Turbo S that he bought new (his third 911) and he's now got another Turbo S on order. He found the C8 as much fun as driving his Turbo S but at a third of the price. Those were his words. He's now looking to get a C8 Z06.
think it makes sense to be on multiple lists if you do it at the same time, if you have been on the list for 3 months, there's no point to get on the other lists
So back in july 2020 ( 10 months ago), i placed a deposit for a c8 in carters GM in Burnaby BC...MSRP + 625 admin fee (whateve...r)
back then i was told he had around 30 people in front of me for a c8.. this april he said im AROUND number 15..

sales communication with me has been really vague... and i have no idea when i should be expecting a delivery. this experience has really been disappointing at this point...(i can totally understand why cadillac sales sucks despite being great looking cars...)

at this point, i totally regret not finding a forum sponsored dealer or placing multiple deposits..

Can i really expect a delivery this year as a 2022 model?.....
I am dealing with Carters in North Van.: getting the same vague communication. I bought a new SUV because my son rtn from EU and needed a car - so, I gave him my Outlander Sport - did not buy a GM - a little pissed off and bought a Mazda 2021.5 GS CX-5 which I quite like. Good luck!!!
Hey Guys, I've been following the forum for several months now but finally joined. I put my order in back in the beginning of June this year in hopes of landing a 2022 before Sept 2023. I went with Brian Cullen a higher volume dealer. I have not played the roulette game and wonder If should even both at this point. From speaking with Tracey at the dealership I sit around that 130 mark... they got 80 2020 vettes and about 100 2021. What does this mean for me... well who knows... drop outs might bring it down for me. I would appreciate anyone's opinion, especially those that have dealt with Brian Cullen or Tracey in particular. So far I'm impressed despite the not so great outlook. He has always been available to take questions and chat.
Hi, I too have placed an order with Cullen's. I placed my order with Jeff at the end of April. I just messaged him today and I'm currently 81 on the list as of today. When I placed my order back in April I believe I was 116 on the list. Jeff wouldn't say if I would get a 22 or not (can't blame him with everything thats going on). He said that it all depends when they change over to 2023's and if there are more plant shutdowns due to parts/COVID etc. He said that there 3 22" allocations have been under 10 per allotment. I figured the big 3 would get 10 allocations per month which would get them 100-120 C8's a year but maybe not!
I too placed an order with Jeff at Brian Cullins back in early August. The numbers that you are mentioning are exactly what he told me. After calling a minimum of 10 dealers he was the only one that was upfront and honest with me that wasn't going to be a 4 year wait or didn't have a CSR call me that had no answers to my questions. Most smaller dealers did not even call me back. I look forward to the hopefully early 23.
I too placed an order with Jeff at Brian Cullins back in early August. The numbers that you are mentioning are exactly what he told me. After calling a minimum of 10 dealers he was the only one that was upfront and honest with me that wasn't going to be a 4 year wait or didn't have a CSR call me that had no answers to my questions. Most smaller dealers did not even call me back. I look forward to the hopefully early 23.
Did Jeff tell you where you were on the list?
Reading these posts just further reinforces that I made the best decision ever to call Andrew Spencer and place a deposit with Bill Spencer last spring. My position moved up fast and will be getting my allocation very early in the new year for a 22 delivery. I'm on another list with my local dealer and I haven't heard a peep from them and don't expect either....
What is wrong with GM Canada!!! Their Corvette build site is still showing the 2021 model year and it does not show some of the available options for 2022. You have not been able to order a 2021 for several months and yet they haven't taken the time to update the Corvette order tool. When I built my 2022 order I had to build it on the US site and then get the dealer to price it all out for the Canadian version. At least the dealers have their 2022 ordering software available.
What is wrong with GM Canada!!! Their Corvette build site is still showing the 2021 model year and it does not show some of the available options for 2022. You have not been able to order a 2021 for several months and yet they haven't taken the time to update the Corvette order tool. When I built my 2022 order I had to build it on the US site and then get the dealer to price it all out for the Canadian version. At least the dealers have their 2022 ordering software available.
its not only GM, something for BMW and Mercedes
Been told that I am #160 and I believe some of those are wanting the Z06, and hopefully people who have laid multiple deposits with other dealers ... lol
When I talked to Jeff when I ordered in April, he said there were 2 lists, one for regular stingrays and one for Z06's. Not sure if things have changed though.
This is entirely up to the dealers allocation totals.
Before Covid a dealer knew his expected yearly allocation numbers because it is based on past sales.
Before making a deposit with any dealer anywhere in the world one should ask them what their expected allocation numbers are.
It's MUCH tougher now with all the parts delays etc, but IMHO a dealer should have some idea what to expect. It won't be as accurate as years past, but it should be at least in the ballpark.
That said, if you don't know how many he expects then there is absolutely no telling if or when he will receive your allocation. Sorry, but it's that simple.
Go to or ca with your order #..... That will tell you if your order was put in.....
Go to or ca with your order #..... That will tell you if your order was put in.....
I don't know about now but in the past there was nothing on for Canadian orders. Besides there is nothing in the US or Canadian system until your deal goes to Status 2000 on the internal Chevrolet system. The dealer can not enter an order in the system until they get the allocation from Chevrolet. So you can sit for months with your order sitting at the dealer until he can get the allocation. He can not enter orders on the system until he has an allocation slot. Once he has that slot he can then enter it into the Chevrolet system and if everything is OK he'll get a Status 2000 assigned. Hopefully it will move from 2000 to 3000 fairly quickly. I believe it has to be a Status 3000 or even 3100 before a GM order number is assigned. The key question to ask your dealer is to advise you as soon as your order is assigned Status 2000 in the GM system. Once you get that you know that you are going to get a car built in the next several months.
I don't know about now but in the past there was nothing on for Canadian orders. Besides there is nothing in the US or Canadian system until your deal goes to Status 2000 on the internal Chevrolet system. The dealer can not enter an order in the system until they get the allocation from Chevrolet. So you can sit for months with your order sitting at the dealer until he can get the allocation. He can not enter orders on the system until he has an allocation slot. Once he has that slot he can then enter it into the Chevrolet system and if everything is OK he'll get a Status 2000 assigned. Hopefully it will move from 2000 to 3000 fairly quickly. I believe it has to be a Status 3000 or even 3100 before a GM order number is assigned. The key question to ask your dealer is to advise you as soon as your order is assigned Status 2000 in the GM system. Once you get that you know that you are going to get a car built in the next several months.
That is not accurate.
Workbench is GM's system. While a dealer doesn't have to enter an order until he gets an allocation, he can. In fact ANY dealer can enter an order, but it's then up to GM to accept that order. If the dealer has never received a Corvette then he likely won't receive an allocation.
1100 status means an order has been entered into Workbench
2000 status means the order has been accepted by GM
That is not accurate.
Workbench is GM's system. While a dealer doesn't have to enter an order until he gets an allocation, he can. In fact ANY dealer can enter an order, but it's then up to GM to accept that order. If the dealer has never received a Corvette then he likely won't receive an allocation.
1100 status means an order has been entered into Workbench
2000 status means the order has been accepted by GM
Thanks for that correction Murray.
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