Colin no offence taken. So I'm surfing craigslist tonight and go to Toronto to check out Vettes in your province and guess what. There's a dude in Kansas that's selling the mold for the station wagon. .
Corvette Parts - OEM NOS. Anyone out there up to the task. Remember, Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. Make mine Surgenor's, Steam Donkey Lager
Surgenor Brewing Company Ltd.
"Surgenor Beer" -- the active header on that site makes it look very appetizing -- It almost made me get up and go to the fridge. Had it not been so early, and that I read on, I probably would have -- but the name, the name, the name.........What's in a name? : Steam Donkey beer? -- No doubt a very good beer, I just hope steam donkey isn't in it.
The visuals are running wild right now (and so is my stomach).:ack:
As to the fella selling the 'vette station wagon mold -- I wish him luck too.
There probably are a few one car peeps who could benefit from the mod--
I'm thankful that I don't have to resort to that, tho, having other rides to tote/chauffeur with that more look the part.
LOL, I wouldn't be surprised with all this 'exposure' and chatter on the interwebs that there will be a flood of orders for the Wagon Vette mod. and it'll be a huge success
The beer, well so long as I don't share my 'visuals' it will probably survive........