Then there's a discrepancy of the fuel consumption gauge. I've seen it spike to 16L in V4 then switch to V8 immediately after and drop down by half.
It's a momentary fluctuation as determined by the ECU software, throttle position, driving environment and numerous other factors that go into the makeup of the AFM command algorithms. This spit-second information, as seen on the DIC, cannot be relied upon to determine the relative efficiency of the AFM system and should only be used as a guide to help maintain awareness of your driving habits. It's basic information and is there for the driver to use, or not, at his / her discretion. It's a simple fact that driving in V4 mode provides better fuel economy than driving in V8 mode. Otherwise, GM would not be permitted to use the fuel saving data in their overall fuel economy claims as submitted to and approved by the EPA.
The relative benefits of AFM can only be measured using mid to long term fuel economy calculations and comparisons with information generated manually as well as that taken from the DIC. Most of the time the comparisons are similar. In my experience, and that of GM's fuel system engineers, AFM does, in fact, provide an improvement in terms of
average, overall fuel economy.
I am not a fan of AFM for many reasons, in particular the poorly engineered lifter system and the failures related to the 8L90 8 speed automatic transmission, even though that's what's in my GS. However, if driven and maintained properly, the problems can be minimized and, in the case of the transmission, all but eliminated. I had a Range AFM disabler, used it for a year and sold it. Because I drive in manual mode 99% of the time I didn't need it. But if your using one you should still remove it and drive, occasionally, in full automatic mode. This is the only way you can effectively check for the "shudder" problem and, yes, it can still occur even if you have a Range device installed. The chances of it happening are significantly reduced but it can still happen.
Anyway, I hope that I've explained, to everyone's satisfaction, why AFM (V4 vs V8) actually does improve the C7's fuel economy under all driving conditions. Do I like the fact that it's there? Hell no, but I don't have a choice if I want to maintain the original powertrain warranty.
I'm done now.
Best regards