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A few years ago I learned how to get trees to fall in the direction you want, but I doubt I'd try those. No sense in fooling around with power lines.
I just cut down a couple of birch trees close to my house that bugged me every fall dropping their leaves in my gutters. I cut them down when the ground is frozen so I don't have branches impaling themselves in the ground! I'll deal with them when it's warmer. There is still one left, but it's leaning towards the house. I'm not confident enough to cut that one down so I'll also hire a local company to do the deed.
If you were closer I'd give more help then this, but take it for what it's worth. Good luck and go get 'em tiger! ;)
BTW, do you have forks on your skid steer? I just use my forks and pile all the branches at the back of my property. Looks like you'll do similar?
Yup. I have pallet forks for the skidsteer but used the manure bucket on the tractor for the spruce boughs. The elm branches are pretty much all by hand. The spruce tree was leaning 5 degrees south towards the power line so no way I was going to chance cutting it. I cut wood every winter in NS when we got laid off from the company I worked for so lots of chain saw experience but when they lean that much I typically rope them up high and use the tractor to pull them in the direction I need. In this case the house would have been in the other direction so it had to come down a piece at a time.
Had two trees that wifey has wanted removed from the yard now for several years and finally got around to it. Had my Tree cutting business buddy come and take them down as they were really close to my overhead power line. I said "just bring them down and I will take care of the wood and the branches....BIG MISTAKE.... 5 days later and I'm still cleaning up lol....

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I hear ya. My yard has 3 Black walnut trees. I have, several times, done some "light trimming" that turned into a full days work. A whole tree will need a few days and a box of beer(LOL).
I hear ya. My yard has 3 Black walnut trees. I have, several times, done some "light trimming" that turned into a full days work. A whole tree will need a few days and a box of beer(LOL).
Black walnut is very desirable wood. Very pricey as well.
Have a visitor hanging around.... Every day for 5 days she'd been here munching on shrubs and harrassing my dogs... lol... firt day my big German Shepherd Bravo decided she didn't belong and he was going to let her know that... Much to his surprise, she stood her ground until he got close and then decided she would be the one doing the chasing. Wish I'd have caught that on camera...

Have a visitor hanging around.... Every day for 5 days she'd been here munching on shrubs and harrassing my dogs... lol... firt day my big German Shepherd Bravo decided she didn't belong and he was going to let her know that... Much to his surprise, she stood her ground until he got close and then decided she would be the one doing the chasing. Wish I'd have caught that on camera...

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She will be a good little moose factory to fill your deep freeze someday.
That was my first thought... She doesn't have a calf so not sure if she just didn't take last year or lost the calf to hunters or a vehicle. She was in good condition so hopefully stays out of harm's way. She didn't look pregnant but hard to tell with a moose. For me anyway. Got to within about 10 yards from her before she laid her ears back, and being the smart guy I am, I decided to back away... lol...
Poison Dart frog on Bastimentos Island Bocas Del Toro Panama . Not as big as the end joint on your little finger . They get their poison from a species of ant that they eat .The more colourful they are , the more deadly . The gold coloured ones have enough toxin to kill two African Bull Elephants . Nope , didn't pick it up !
mix 161.JPG
Poison Dart frog on Bastimentos Island Bocas Del Toro Panama . Not as big as the end joint on your little finger . They get their poison from a species of ant that they eat .The more colourful they are , the more deadly . The gold coloured ones have enough toxin to kill two African Bull Elephants . Nope , didn't pick it up !
View attachment 122498
You took that?
You took that?
Yes . They are on my desktop and I usually use my iPad for the forum so haven’t dug into my photos on there for a while. I have a couple of other shots of it as well, I’ll take a look. You’re lucky if you come across them as they are usually in the leaf litter like this one and really tiny . My wife’s son picked up on it. I have seen two other species of them over the years but they were pointed out to us by locals. A blue one and a blue one with a couple of different colours of spots which the local said were especially toxic.
Yes . They are on my desktop and I usually use my iPad for the forum so haven’t dug into my photos on there for a while. I have a couple of other shots of it as well, I’ll take a look. You’re lucky if you come across them as they are usually in the leaf litter like this one and really tiny . My wife’s son picked up on it. I have seen two other species of them over the years but they were pointed out to us by locals. A blue one and a blue one with a couple of different colours of spots which the local said were especially toxic.
If they were on my desktop I'd never go near that desk again.... :Biggrin:

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