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Performance World - CDN Wolf's pics


2 You're 10
Jan 30, 2009
Mississauga, Canada
Well I looked at Bruce's pictures that he took, and I was very impressed ... so today, as I was wandering around, I kept thinking "What else can I shoot that Bruce didn't already? Damn him!"

So I thought I would specialize my pictures to some of less appreciated aspects of the show ... it was tough going for most of the day ... and in some cases, people that were working at the show kept getting in the way of my shots ... so please don't hold that against me ... now my photgraphic skills are not the best, and in some cases, when I thought I had the shot properly lined up, I managed some how to be diverted to a different centre of attention ... well, you'll probably see what I mean as we go along.

Well, here goes nothing! ....

Well I felt since this is The Corvette Forum ... I better lead off my pic thread with a Vette ... so here we have a replica of the Zora Racer ...

Now one of the guys ... Eshel (TurboS) had gone up to Cayuga at Toronton Motorsports Park, to try out their road course ... he had a blast ... so when I saw their booth ... I thought I better get a quick pic ... so anyone that is unfamiliar with their logo ... won't have a problem finding it on the web ... Eshel was impressed with the track ... he said it is similar to Shannonville (but without the 2 hour drive :lol: ) ... and better than Dunville.

... Continued ...

Now in this next picture ... I really liked the sign at the top left, which had a nice contrast of reds and blues ... you don't see that every day, so I lined up a nice shot of it, but Ramon bumped my elbo just as I was snapping the picture ... and I think he ruined my shot ... but I'll let you be the judge.

Our group was very fluid through out the day ... people coming and going ... we saw Stan on our way in, as he was heading out, and he dropped a bomb shell of news on our group, which I won't reveal here, we'll let Stan break the news to the group in his own good time.

Corrado and Pinky Gal finally showed up, they confused our meeting spot, so they came directly to the show without the convoy ... Maria loved the new Camaro ... and Livio was maning the display ... so being the gentleman that he is, he invited Maria to cross the barrier, and sit in the car ...

Our group then found their way over to the tunner section of the show, and we were immediately assaulted by the sights and sounds of the tunner generation (Note: Over the past few years, this generation has not changed much, same over powering deep base beat, and scantily clad women drapped over everything, gees, when are they going to grow up? :lol

In this picture we see a close up shot of the latest and greatest STD Coilovers ... now why they would name their company - " STD " is beyond me ... I think it is irresponsible, and frankly shocking to tie this type of company name and logo (which they seem to put on every type of clothing they can find!) which could make having an STD less shocking ... get it ... Coil Over Shocks! Shocking! Get it? :leaving:

Well, just enjoy the picture of their latest Shock and Coil-Over...

... Continued
STD also has a line of race suits ... they didn't have much stock, and it didn't make for a good pic ... so I took a pic of the display poster, which clearly shows the race suit, and helmet, I think it looks pretty cool, what do you guys think?

The next booth over held the secrets to all the Tuner Mantra's, communicated to all through the use of "Bumper Stickers" that you can quickly and easily attach to your car ... thereby adding a good 3, Nay 5, Yes 5 Horse Power to your car (per sticker) ... here we see a couple of the better ones ...

Now lately my staff have been on my case about my cars' rims ... I don't know, I like my stock C6 rims (I did get the upgraded High Polished Aluminum ones!) ... but they all seem to think that I need a cool set of rims, so I thought I would keep my eyes open for a set of rims that would set my car apart ... here is one I found, should I buy a set?

A few of you might know that when I was looking to purchase my first Vette, which is actually my current Vette but I digress, anyhooo ... I also took a brief look at an Audi TT, it looked kinda cool, but it just could not hold a candle to the Vette in power and performance ... so when I saw this TT, I thought I better take a quick pic ...

Here is another set of rims that I liked, I think maybe I should set up a poll and the whole Canadian Section can vote on the rims I should buy ... A or B .... well I'll let you all be the judge, then you can set up a "lets buy Wolf a new set of rims" donation account at your local RBC branch, and we'll get those donations flowing in hard and fast! ...

My last pic of the thread ... here we see our infamous CCO boy's in their matching uniforms (CCO stands for Corvette Club of Ontario) ... there were some really cool stock Corvettes on display, and they were all very nicely detailed. When they saw us approaching, they immediately went into their defensive stance ... repeating over and over again ... "We do drive our cars! Honest!" ... One guy told me he has almost 80,000 kms on his 1996 car, I was impressed, that's alot of trips to the car wash, detailing shop, and car shows! Good job boys, keep it up!

Jason, I know your lurking on here somewhere! :lurk: Just kidding about the above statement, mostly :lol: Hopefully you'll join us on a few of our Un-Club Cruises this summer ... especially the Tim Horton Children's Foundation cruise in June!


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