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Ontario speed limits

Yeah, I was thinking of those warnings on the drive to MITM last year. Clocked 145 several times and once 175. Would have had to walk home but I think they host you at one of their facilities for a couple of days so you can save on lodging and meals.
Yes the 175 would probably come with accomodations, 145 only the car gets far from free storage.
Ontario highway limits are silly low for modern cars. Studies show the speed limit has a minimal effect on how fast people drive anyways - we drive according to weather, road conditions, etc. Raising the limit will decrease government and insurance company revenue for sure though...
I gotta talk to my buddy in Beaumont again, but he said last year he was driving back from BC in his Dodge truck and a BC cop nailed him for doing 101 in a 100 , that's one km over the limit, forgot the amount but it was alot .
I gotta talk to my buddy in Beaumont again, but he said last year he was driving back from BC in his Dodge truck and a BC cop nailed him for doing 101 in a 100 , that's one km over the limit, forgot the amount but it was alot .

That's very unlikely... unless he gratified the cop with colorful quality comments, then it's on him !
Reactions: 12cents and tyho
That's very unlikely... unless he gratified the cop with colorful quality comments, then it's on him !
There has to be some allowance for discrepancy between the vehicle speedometer and the radar. I would have a tendency to believe the radar to be more accurate but vehicle speedos can be off by a few K's such as between winter/summer tyre sizes.
If it was truly just one K over then that cop was/is out to lunch. Wouldn't hold up in court I would think.

Having said that I got pulled for 5 K over the 100K limit on the 401 going to "TO".
The cop told me he was trying to hold back traffic to the speed limit. I mentioned to him that he was going 97/98 in a 100 zone. I had to exceed the speed limit so as not to impede following traffic over several K's if I were to only go 100 to pass him and that that would have been unsafe. I reduced to 100K after passing him. He left me with a warning.
My take away from that. At least he had a head on his shoulders and could "judge" logical explanations.
You have a valid reason for exceeding the limit then the cop should be able to make a judgement call on that.
You want to exceed the limit by a good margin then don't huff and puff if you get nabbed. Just because we drive Vettes does not give us a free pass as conscientious drivers. We can, and probably do, try to bend the limits a bit every now and then. Especially on long straights or curvy mountain roads.
Agreed, If I am pulled over for breaking the law I will be 100% respectful and expect the same treatment in return. I was pulled over by RCMP for speeding, had done a tire swap on my truck resulting in a lower reading on the speedometer. I explained that to him and he did lower the fine, very nice of him. If a young buck starts lecturing me (which is rare) then I will tell him to get the business done and let's move on. I tend to see more attitude from the "almost cops", sheriffs, bylaw and here in Golden, CP Police.
Reactions: ddgermann
I think your buddy is mistaken Michael. No officer in his right mind would write a ticket for 1 km over. Besides the cop actually being an undeniable idiot, he will get labelled as one by the judge when your buddy fights the ticket in court. The officer has to attend a court date. There's enough legal BS that wastes officials time without writing traffic tickets for something like that.
Hey. We could ask flyboy... except I haven't seen him for quite a while now...
Part of this that bothers me that no one has talked about. With much fanfare the elected officials talked about the public reporting things that they see on social media about the potential for aggressive driving. In other words a planned cruise could now be construed as a coordinated abuse of the law.

I suspect that routes and walkie talkie communication channels for these events will be greatly protected. JMHO.
Reactions: ddgermann
.....I'm gonna call him and get the story straight, it might of even been a camera ticket but I know he said 1 km over and he was not going back there to court so just sent the money. He's not the type to lip off if stopped .
Reactions: LE BARON

No one drives aggressive on a Corvette cruise....

Yes you are right, there is an acceptable margin for error of ±1km/h for a radar when tested on particular frequencies. Usually tested twice a day. Speedometers aren't always accurate.

And yeah, if you passed this cop driving a marked police vehicle as he was trying to slow down traffic on the 401 he had no other choice but pulling you over.. You were going only 5km/h over but some Ticoune from behind would've seen people passing the cop without being pulled over and then the purpose would've been defeated. Makes sense you were stopped and got a warning.

Sorry for the late reply.. I got busy !
Eric my Saturday was this....
Mooring a tanker for an oil offload from the FPSO.

Kind of boring compared to hanging out with you goons.
Maybe next year hey... your looks much more entertaining. (right Jeffy..?)
just noticed the interesting nice color combination of Black and Long Beach Red on that fine floating whatchamacallit.

YYSSW - I know all the Blueman Group sees is the water and sky in the photo
Reactions: ddgermann
I have noticed a discrepancy between the speedo and the GPS. GPS is usually 1 to 3 KMH lower than the speedo. Again in this case I might believe the GPS because it is satellite based. You do have to do a few clicks before you could get a good indication of your speed.

Yeah, you may just have smaller tires than what your speedo was programmed with or it just isn't accurate. GPS is good but as you pointed out it takes a few seconds to adapt so it is never truly live. Some factors like wind or hills will make it lie for a short period of time. Best way to calculate speed is through a certified speedo or radar/lidar... They provide live readings. (Well not exactly live as the radio waves - or light - need to go to and back from the target vehicle, travelling at the speed of light). Then you know which reading is good and which one is bad !
Reactions: ddgermann

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