Aug 25, 2019
2015 2LT Z51
A couple of years ago in Hinton, Ab., a 24 year old woman and her 16 month old son were murdered by the scum bag sexual predator that lived in the same building that they had just moved into. Yesterday, I had heard on the radio an interview with a woman who was a friend of these victims, trying to promote a petition meant to keep these predators more in check when they are set loose on our streets after serving their sentence from a previous conviction. I would like to invite my fellow forum members to sign this online petition in ASAP, as there is a time deadline to online petitions that is rapidly approaching. I put a link to the petition below (hopefully it works), but if you want to learn more details, search Noah’s Law on Facebook or Instagram.
Thank you.
Sign this Petition - Petitions
A couple of years ago in Hinton, Ab., a 24 year old woman and her 16 month old son were murdered by the scum bag sexual predator that lived in the same building that they had just moved into. Yesterday, I had heard on the radio an interview with a woman who was a friend of these victims, trying to promote a petition meant to keep these predators more in check when they are set loose on our streets after serving their sentence from a previous conviction. I would like to invite my fellow forum members to sign this online petition in ASAP, as there is a time deadline to online petitions that is rapidly approaching. I put a link to the petition below (hopefully it works), but if you want to learn more details, search Noah’s Law on Facebook or Instagram.
Thank you.
Sign this Petition - Petitions
Link works fine Dale.
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