Actually one of the key the movements in the development of the C7 and now the C8 by GM is to attract the younger buyers. This has been openly stated a number of times and the demographic numbers have apparently shown it to be a movement that’s happening. The stereotype of corvette = old bald fat guy is being actively addressed and quashed. Maybe just propaganda but the movement to the ME car is apparently part of this change of perception and mindset that GM wants to promote.
I’m somewhere in the middle of all this. I love my FE C7 but am not closing the door on the C8. I have to see what the car has to offer visually, performance, price, practicality and go from there.
Price wise I am expecting the entry level car to be fairly similar to the comparable C7. After that... who knows. The prices could be pretty wild for the expected 1000 HP versions.
You make a very valid point about the purists refusing to buy the ME, and as mentioned GM seems to be gambling that the younger buyers will fill in that void and more.
Soon we will all find out.