Featured No More Corvette????????

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Just not sure about the C8. I see all these ME cars and honestly can't tell one from the other. What is worse I really don't care.

If GM can screw up the Corvette then they have the right person guiding the ship. Doubt she could get an order at McDonalds correct.
The Corvette has always been something that the average guy could find a way into. A $150k or higher priced car will take Joe Six Pack out of the equation. There are mid engine super cars in the $200k range already and I don’t see a lot of them running around Calgary and Edmonton.

Bad deal for GM in my humble opinion. On the plus side the used C6 and C7 market is about to get a nice bump.
The Corvette has always been something that the average guy could find a way into. A $150k or higher priced car will take Joe Six Pack out of the equation. There are mid engine super cars in the $200k range already and I don’t see a lot of them running around Calgary and Edmonton.

Bad deal for GM in my humble opinion. On the plus side the used C6 and C7 market is about to get a nice bump.

Totally agree! Been listening to the doom and gloom forecasting for the used C7's for two years now... Nice to hear another positive view.....
The Corvette has always been something that the average guy could find a way into. A $150k or higher priced car will take Joe Six Pack out of the equation. There are mid engine super cars in the $200k range already and I don’t see a lot of them running around Calgary and Edmonton.

Bad deal for GM in my humble opinion. On the plus side the used C6 and C7 market is about to get a nice bump.

From what I hear the first base C8 is only going to be 5-7,000 more then the base C7. So if GM can deliver a ME car, that performs better then the C7 and still keep within reach of the average joe 6pack, I will commend them.
Now That I have your attention :bigtongue: , the following article seems to put to rest any thoughts on the C7 continuing side by side with the C8.

No More C7

Running them side by side would never make sense from a marketing perspective unless they were 100k apart. With little margin between them they would just cannibalize sales from each other and make marketing either car a virtual impossibility. It is sad though.
Running them side by side would never make sense from a marketing perspective unless they were 100k apart. With little margin between them they would just cannibalize sales from each other and make marketing either car a virtual impossibility. It is sad though.

My gut tells me there will still be a large contingent of purist FE buyers that have little interest in the ME. There is also a contingent that are looking forward to the Z06 and the ZR1 on the horizon and will wait for 2 or more years to purchase a new Corvette. That leaves the wait-and-sees just waiting, and the purists to buy used, which will hurt sales anyway with no money rolling into GM coffers. After spending 750 million in plant upgrades alone for the C8 (not counting the re-design and engineering costs which I would guess are huge as well), I would expect GM would like to recover some of those costs as rapidly as they can.The first year C7 sold 37,288 models. The C7 is also proven. If they sell the C8 in comparative numbers to the first year C7 I will be the first to congratulate and eat my words, but I will also be surprised. JMO
Who is GM’s market demographic for Corvette? Likely over 50 years old, kids gone, disposable income, probably middle to upper middle income. That group has not and likely will not have an interest in a mid engine Euro style sports car. If they did they would have bought one. That demographic is interested in muscle, classic North American styling, go fast, but something you can sneak into the garage without much grief from she who shall not be named. It could cost the same but my lovely bride would have an aneurism if I showed up in the driveway with what she would consider an exotic. I think I am pretty typical. Millennials may like a mid engine but they ain’t got no scratch. They are living in tiny houses in the woods and drinking pine tree tea. (Not to be confused with Pine Lake tea, that’s different.😱).

I had hoped that both would have been offered as I don’t believe they compete against each other. But what do I know.....🥴
Who is GM’s market demographic for Corvette? Likely over 50 years old, kids gone, disposable income, probably middle to upper middle income. That group has not and likely will not have an interest in a mid engine Euro style sports car. If they did they would have bought one. That demographic is interested in muscle, classic North American styling, go fast, but something you can sneak into the garage without much grief from she who shall not be named. It could cost the same but my lovely bride would have an aneurism if I showed up in the driveway with what she would consider an exotic. I think I am pretty typical. Millennials may like a mid engine but they ain’t got no scratch. They are living in tiny houses in the woods and drinking pine tree tea. (Not to be confused with Pine Lake tea, that’s different.😱).

I had hoped that both would have been offered as I don’t believe they compete against each other. But what do I know.....🥴

Actually one of the key the movements in the development of the C7 and now the C8 by GM is to attract the younger buyers. This has been openly stated a number of times and the demographic numbers have apparently shown it to be a movement that’s happening. The stereotype of corvette = old bald fat guy is being actively addressed and quashed. Maybe just propaganda but the movement to the ME car is apparently part of this change of perception and mindset that GM wants to promote.
I’m somewhere in the middle of all this. I love my FE C7 but am not closing the door on the C8. I have to see what the car has to offer visually, performance, price, practicality and go from there.
Price wise I am expecting the entry level car to be fairly similar to the comparable C7. After that... who knows. The prices could be pretty wild for the expected 1000 HP versions.
You make a very valid point about the purists refusing to buy the ME, and as mentioned GM seems to be gambling that the younger buyers will fill in that void and more.
Soon we will all find out. 😀
Actually one of the key the movements in the development of the C7 and now the C8 by GM is to attract the younger buyers. This has been openly stated a number of times and the demographic numbers have apparently shown it to be a movement that’s happening. The stereotype of corvette = old bald fat guy is being actively addressed and quashed. Maybe just propaganda but the movement to the ME car is apparently part of this change of perception and mindset that GM wants to promote.
I’m somewhere in the middle of all this. I love my FE C7 but am not closing the door on the C8. I have to see what the car has to offer visually, performance, price, practicality and go from there.
Price wise I am expecting the entry level car to be fairly similar to the comparable C7. After that... who knows. The prices could be pretty wild for the expected 1000 HP versions.
You make a very valid point about the purists refusing to buy the ME, and as mentioned GM seems to be gambling that the younger buyers will fill in that void and more.
Soon we will all find out. 😀

You could be right. However the hoped for demographic and the real demographic are often not aligned. There is a real good reason why balding fat guys like me have a $60k or higher priced toy. We (not assuming you fall into that demographic 😀) can afford it. Houses are bought, kids have been put through college, maybe even an inheritance from parents who have passed. The under 30 (or even 40) crowd are still paying school loans.

But time will tell. My fear is that if the mid engine gamble fails, it could mean the end of the Corvette. GM will have boxed themselves into a corner.
This is a really interesting debate in so many ways, but I will stick to just a few, and those are of course the ones that matter to me.

I would like to say that I am a bit excited to see a new mid-engined and seriously engineered car from GM. I just think it is wrong to hang the reputation of the Corvette on it. If it hasn't been said a million times already, this should be a new car with an entirely different name. So what if it is faster than a Corvette? Make a new brand! I am so sad with the demise of Pontiac, because this new platform is Banshee all the way - it is what it was ultimately designed for, and never got to come to fruition. Pontiac was always the ultimate place to lend the blame to s**t that they thought wouldn't work, but damn it did! Anyway.....

I really don't think that the money has much to do with it any more, if it ever really did. If you want one, you will do what it takes to get one, or get a loan for only $400 a week! As expensive as they are, there is simply not a better performing vehicle for the money, and if you are rich you can buy several of them for your friends to crash into snowbanks (Mr. Deeds).

I gotta say though, I truly do not know what to expect or what to think of the new ME Corvette. I really do think that it is going to be a make or break kind of deal. It quite simply needs to become the best sports car in the entire world by going mid-engined, or it is going to be discontinued.

Commuters, SUVs, and Trucks.

It's just a matter of time before bikes become the most fun again.
I am attracted to the muscle/sports car aspect the Corvette now delivers. It looks incredible and is at home stock or fitted with loud kick azz exhaust. The ME will probably appeal to a different crowd but may alienate others at the same time. Once i see/drive one i will know pretty quickly if i will be keeping my C7 long term or dreaming of the day I can buy the ME. I agree, it is a big gamble on GM's part. Partly justified by more future V6/electric configurations perhaps? No self driving versions please😁
My 2 cents.... I would have liked to have seen the C7 carry on for a couple of more years alongside the C8 thereby allowing GM the opportunity to see which demographics are drawn to which car and market accordingly. The C8 is a big gamble and turning point but I do believe it will find its buyers. Its not only the 55+ crowd that has money. The 40+ crowd will be coming into inheritance $$ and in todays society people are always looking for the next 'best thing' out there. The price point has to remain 'affordable' in order for the brand to survive and for the car (hopefully) to gain its own reputation. And as far as purist go, anyone can be swayed if the car lives up to the hype. I for one do not care if the engine is in front or if its behind me. Its all about how it handles, performs, pricing and looks (much like when we were looking for our wifes... lol) I'm ok if the C8 earns the title of the north American exotic.... why not? Lets face it, we also bought corvettes for looks, performance and price point. I'll wait a year or so and see what the word is on the C8 and then potentially swing over to the ME North American exotic. With good memories of my C7
I for one do not care if the engine is in front or if its behind me. Its all about how it handles, performs, pricing and looks (much like when we were looking for our wifes... lol) I'm ok if the C8 earns the title of the north American exotic.... why not? Lets face it, we also bought corvettes for looks, performance and price point. I'll wait a year or so and see what the word is on the C8 and then potentially swing over to the ME North American exotic. With good memories of my C7

Yes... all good points but will you be able to do an 8 day cruise with your wife, 2 suitcases, guitar, cooler, miscellaneous bags of girl stuff, and still pick antiques along the way in a C8? Like this.... Granted this was my C6 but I've had my C7 just as full...

Yes... all good points but will you be able to do an 8 day cruise with your wife, 2 suitcases, guitar, cooler, miscellaneous bags of girl stuff, and still pick antiques along the way in a C8? Like this.... Granted this was my C6 but I've had my C7 just as full...

View attachment 26144
Not showing this to my wife! She packed light on our first trip.😁
Yes... all good points but will you be able to do an 8 day cruise with your wife, 2 suitcases, guitar, cooler, miscellaneous bags of girl stuff, and still pick antiques along the way in a C8? Like this.... Granted this was my C6 but I've had my C7 just as full...

Well, very valid perspective Rruuff Day, but, we never travel with our 2 seater cars..... thats what the SUV is for... where are you putting the bikes on the vette?! LOL... :ohoh:
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