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No cable TV etc. Or don't want it?

Jul 25, 2012
Fraser Valley B.C.
2002 Convertible
Here is the cheapest way to stream everything from your computer devices to your hdmi TV for only a one time cost of $35 US. Bought one coming back from the States and it works great from my laptop. But setting it up was a little more than they forcast. Had to google how to set up from various different places.Oh, and must have Wi Fi obviously if using a laptop like I did.
Also a great source for non copyrighted movies is Internet Arhive, and venture your way down to feature films and also to old time TV programs , you wouldn't believe the number of Hitchcock movies that are in public domain all the way back to the 30's.A lady from the CBC told me this is where they go to get a lot of archived footage for various programs.
Got rid of my cable 6 months ago. Haven't missed it yet. They keep sending me offers to come back for half the price I was paying. Too late now I tell them. You shouldn't have ripped me off in the first place. :seeya:
We shut down or dish 4-5 years ago and don't miss it all. We would go through all the channels then shut it off so there really wasn't anything to miss. We get all the news, weather and other stuff right here on the internet. With web sites like this one, who needs TV. We don't. Now, when we do see tv, it is even worse than we remembered. Buying DVD sets of favourite stuff is far less expensive than the dish.
True guys -- Cable is becoming more and more passe -- with other media taking over...and quite sufficient.
I still have cable but I'm less and less impressed with it and of course the cost isn't going down.....

I have heard a great way to get around cable costs is to purchase a VPN address and get a Boxee Box for your TV. All the shows are online and you can watch what you want to for $100 for a Boxee and $55/Year for the VPN.

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