Here is the cheapest way to stream everything from your computer devices to your hdmi TV for only a one time cost of $35 US. Bought one coming back from the States and it works great from my laptop. But setting it up was a little more than they forcast. Had to google how to set up from various different places.Oh, and must have Wi Fi obviously if using a laptop like I did.
Also a great source for non copyrighted movies is Internet Arhive, and venture your way down to feature films and also to old time TV programs , you wouldn't believe the number of Hitchcock movies that are in public domain all the way back to the 30's.A lady from the CBC told me this is where they go to get a lot of archived footage for various programs.
Also a great source for non copyrighted movies is Internet Arhive, and venture your way down to feature films and also to old time TV programs , you wouldn't believe the number of Hitchcock movies that are in public domain all the way back to the 30's.A lady from the CBC told me this is where they go to get a lot of archived footage for various programs.