Hey William..... That is wrong. I just have the yellow 88.
If by chance you are talking about the white C5 that is often at Tim's in the morning, that would be Randy Slack. There is often a yellow C6 there also, that would be Bill (forget his last name) but from Unity road.
Brian would that Randy Slack be the stock car racer Randy Slack? I have not seen Randy for many years, he is a really nice guy. He was a very good racer to boot. Years ago he helped me with a United Way promotion at Goodyear Canada. Lots of folks were looking out the windows at the race cars on display but Randy thought if he could make some noise the folks would come out. Several hot laps around the building proved he was right. Out they came.
Only later did we find out the building beside the Goodyear office was a seniors home. Oh well I am sure they appreciated some excitement!!!