
Power User
Feb 28, 2011
North of Canada
2008m vert
Every few years I bond with the grim reaper.I also have almost as many broken bones as Evil Knevil.

Sunday (Easter) went to Sunrise service and we we're looking forward to the usual big Easter egg hunt for 6 kids this year .My job while Nancy gets a big dinner ready is to hide the Easter eggs .They all like me to do it because I can never remember where I hid them .We're down to the last 4 eggs and I don't have a clue .I had told everyone (I think) none in the pool area but I'm only pretty sure after all there we're 180 eggs over a couple acres .It's 40 feet long and 12 feet deep at the deep end and the gate is at the shallow end .So I'm down by the deep end and I slip on the last piece of ice out there ,I fell in part way .My bad leg and hip are in the ice water and I think I pulled it out of it's socket .My dog Lizzie see's I'm having a problem ,now lizzie is a 68 pound mastiff that is absolutely fearless .She runs through the gate at the speed of light and across the full length of the pool only supported by the pool cover.She would have done fine but she stopped when she got to me (ah chit) the both of us sank to the bottom of the deep end with the cover on top of us .I had to then save my dog and finally got her out and by that time the grand kids all ran to help thinking it was funny (actually it sort of was)my youngest son (nick name Hulk for good reason) pulled me out and got me to the house .I HATE COLD WATER:mad:.they all got me dried off and blanketed up in front of the pellet stove for a couple hours .Last eve my wife under protest drove me to the hospital where they worked on my hip for three hours and got me back together .Hulk lugged me up stairs and stuck me in bed ,he stayed the night They kept stuffed the pain killers so I wouldn't move much in the night .I'm doin' fine and I can get around some .Did I mention "I HATE COLD WATER.":mad:
Leave it up to the kids to laugh at your pain....but honestly, I would probably laugh at my dad until I realized the seriousness.....at least I would have laughed 20 years ago....not so much now, he's old!

Glad you made it though! That would definitely be a scary moment!!!!!! I am not laughing. I think that would have freaked me out pretty good! Glad the Hulk was there to help out!! Get better soon!!!!
Jeesh Steve -- some people have all the fun .. Tho it was fun, it wasn't nearly as exciting around our place by a long shot ...... :eek:

I hear ya on cold water -- it's absolutely shocking ever since years ago my brother and I fell into Lake Ontario in November while chasing ducks from a canoe. (THAT is a cold lake even in summer.:mad:)

Glad you made it thru -- you had me worried with that heading. :confused:

OH hell ,even i'll look back in a week or so and think it was funny .

I'll tell ya how much I hate cold water :I was going to pick up my new 09 Vett in North Carolina on January 8th 2009 .I called my good buddy who was putting on a clear bra and misc add's.He asked if I could wait till Jan 15th and I told him I really couldn't I had business in Alabama and Mississippi .

If I would have waited that one more week till the 15th my flight US Air flight 1549 landed in the Hudson river .Everyone survived as ya all remember but I'da been the one standing on the wing pizzed off as hell about the cold water
OH hell ,even i'll look back in a week or so and think it was funny .

I'll tell ya how much I hate cold water :I was going to pick up my new 09 Vett in North Carolina on January 8th 2009 .I called my good buddy who was putting on a clear bra and misc add's.He asked if I could wait till Jan 15th and I told him I really couldn't I had business in Alabama and Mississippi .

If I would have waited that one more week till the 15th my flight US Air flight 1549 landed in the Hudson river .Everyone survived as ya all remember but I'da been the one standing on the wing pizzed off as hell about the cold water

I do remember that -- LOL, not sure why but I can just see you on a wing hollering to get this f'n plane back on the f'n runway -- there's no way you're gettin' wet......:rofl:

Wait 'til you're over 50 -- you'll hate it even more........I get a CHIVER just thinking about winter now -- never mind falling into cold water......

I gots to get a hot cup of coffee from just talkin' about it..............:rolleyes:

Try swimming in Georgian Bay...in August. Bloody cold even then. My wife will do it but not me, uh uh. I think men are more...sensitive to cold water for certain reasons. :rofl:

Glad you're OK Elf!
Try swimming in Georgian Bay...in August. Bloody cold even then. My wife will do it but not me, uh uh. I think men are more...sensitive to cold water for certain reasons. :rofl:

Glad you're OK Elf!

Could be onto somethin' there Greg.:

I saw it once when a guy went in talking with a low masculine voice and came out a short time later talking with a high squeaky voice......Said he froze somethin' off as he ran for warmth ....... he sure was skeeeeeered:eek:

How did the pool cover fair? Hindsight is always 20/20.....a 68 lb Lizzie in cold water swimming for the stars is a real wake-up as well....these dogs will do whatever to save themselves......glad to hear the hip is back in place.....a few hot-totties by the fireplace will be just what the doctor ordered. At least your grandkids will always have something to snicker about at Easter....
How did the pool cover fair? Hindsight is always 20/20.....a 68 lb Lizzie in cold water swimming for the stars is a real wake-up as well....these dogs will do whatever to save themselves......glad to hear the hip is back in place.....a few hot-totties by the fireplace will be just what the doctor ordered. At least your grandkids will always have something to snicker about at Easter....
The cover only had those tubes ya fill up with water and it was new .I use to add tires around the perimeter but my wife complained it was tacky .Next year the tires will be used .I helped get the dog out but wet dogs get pretty heavy .

I'm sure it'll be a story that will get passed down for a couple generations .Better yet I may write a book :D
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