Event NCRS Ontario Regional Meet

58, 2003
50th AEfan added a new event:

NCRS Ontario Regional Meet

September 14-16 at CWHM - Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope (Hamilton)
See some really stunning Corvettes being Judged from C-1 to C-5 parked among various Aircraft
On the Museum floor. Not often the Canadian Chapter gets to host event of this caliber and some from the past were regarded as truly outstandin. Spectator support is encouraged and welcome.

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Hello 50th AEfan. I had a question about the event September 14-16 at the CWHM. When will the cars be on the floor for viewing? Will it be all three days and all day? I would like to see them but just not sure when to go. Thanks and take care.
Hello 50th AEfan. I had a question about the event September 14-16 at the CWHM. When will the cars be on the floor for viewing? Will it be all three days and all day? I would like to see them but just not sure when to go. Thanks and take care.
Ok so being Regional meet, the cars mostly trailered in arrive on Thursday. During the mid day- early afternoon they do the Cold Start test followed by the rest of the Operations check. Each car has a preselected space on the Museum floor and after photos they are parked in their appropriate space. All day Friday and Saturday the balance of Judging takes place until all results have tabulated and the cars are released to be removed from the Museum floor usually by 4:00pm. Each day has its special moments but hearing cars run Thursday especially if some L-88’s are entered can be a moment not often witnessed these days. Here are some pics from French Lick National Convention using the same described format.

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