Hi Everyone, I'm passing this onto all from the President of the Calgary Corvettes Unlimited Club. Looks like a great time, damn I'll be in Vegas without my car!
2013 Mothers Day
Cruise, Luncheon Social &
Corvette Autocross School
Cruise, Luncheon Social &
Corvette Autocross School
All Ages, Family & Corvette Friends Welcome!
Sunday May 12th at the
Stoney Nakoda Resort & Casino
Hwy #1 & Hwy #40
$20/ea Mothers Day Luncheon Social
after May 7th = $26.95 + Tax & Tip
$30/ea Pre-Registered Autocross School
$40/ea After May 7th Autocross School
Autocross School Registration Includes Luncheon Social
Corvettes Only, +$10.00 for Non-CU/CCCC Members.
9:00 am Driver
Sunday May 12th at the
Stoney Nakoda Resort & Casino
Hwy #1 & Hwy #40
$20/ea Mothers Day Luncheon Social
after May 7th = $26.95 + Tax & Tip
$30/ea Pre-Registered Autocross School
$40/ea After May 7th Autocross School
Autocross School Registration Includes Luncheon Social
Corvettes Only, +$10.00 for Non-CU/CCCC Members.
9:00 am Driver