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Let's see your Corvettes with the Fall colours

Here's a photo from a while back.
MT a great state. Love it there. Use to fly fish the Missouri River every year out of Craig. Great people, scenery, wild life and the fishing the best. I have to get back next year.
MT a great state. Love it there. Use to fly fish the Missouri River every year out of Craig. Great people, scenery, wild life and the fishing the best. I have to get back next year.
Craig is only 50 miles South from here. Float tube from Holter Dam to Craig is really fun. You can do it in boats, too but tube is a blast.
MT a great state. Love it there. Use to fly fish the Missouri River every year out of Craig. Great people, scenery, wild life and the fishing the best. I have to get back next year.
:Seeya:JCWP. I'll second all your comments about MT. Although I haven't visited or fly fished Montana in decades I plan to return soon now that I am retired (again). :Hurray:

.... A ZR1 convertible. It just doesn't get any better.


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