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Late Winter Sunset

Colin, nice photos. Man did you guys get hit today or what?

What a mess. Good luck cleaning it up.
Colin, nice photos. Man did you guys get hit today or what?

What a mess. Good luck cleaning it up.

Thanks fellas -- Not too bad here in Cambridge actually. We got about 10cm. of fairly light fluffy sh*t, I mean snow.

London, Hamilton and even TO and points east got more. Traffic all over was a nightmare tho.
Like you guys I stayed home.

Now to just get thru this hopefully last Arctic cold snap tonight.

That sunset was warm tho -- sure beat the heck out of looking at all the you-know-what.:D

Colin, we were stupid enough that we actually met up. As Keith said, "no photo's didn't happen" but there were at least four of us who met up for lunch. What a day for a drive but the company and lunch were very good.
Holy shi*t.... you've got that much snow ??????

I guess we can't complain about the 10 cm we got 3 weeks ago,
and which melted away in 2 days.
Hit 18 on my backyard thermometer today.
Sunny, with a few stratus clouds.
But it did get down to 0 overnight.
Holy shi*t.... you've got that much snow ??????

I guess we can't complain about the 10 cm we got 3 weeks ago,
and which melted away in 2 days.
Hit 18 on my backyard thermometer today.
Sunny, with a few stratus clouds.
But it did get down to 0 overnight.

Holy cow you guys have a lot of snow! There's almost none left in Calgary. According to the temp gauge in my work truck, we hit 19 today. Windows down, no jacket..... spring is here. :D

Now if only my car wasn't stuck down in your neck of the woods.......... :rofl:

I have to echo these guys with the snow comment! HOOOO-LEEEE CRAP!

We are starting to get to bare streets now (except for the piles along the side of the road) and some areas, the grass is poking through. Quite different from how it normally is where you guys are starting to drive your cars and we are still snow covered. (We are still at LEAST a month away from thinking about getting our cars out).

Very nice pictures though.
Very nice shots Colin, would you, by chance, have any whit grass and leaves in the trees :D

None with grass and leaves on the trees Stephane sorry.... but that reminds me: I must get another 'Fly-Mo' -- last one got away on me while trimming the 'leaf grass' and I never saw it again.:(

Stephane here's the drive today after another dump yesterday:
(This pic is my house. another similar pic in another thread wasn't.:D)

This is a pretty long drive way you have, great to park many cars but a hell to remove the snow

That's why I shovel only half of it, and the foot of the drive (at the road) is only about 1/3 cleared. The extra width and access is handy in the summer months tho for shuffling cars around.

If the snow got bad enough I'd drag out the snowblower and have some real fun.:D


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