Last Beatles song.

Interesting interview on late nite TV with an ancient Stones member disclosing that there was apparently communication between Stones and Beatles members for not releasing chart-competing new songs at the same time. Genius if fact … getting hard to judge sarcasm sometimes. 🤔
I’ve heard it a couple of times but still out on whether John would have let this out.
The technology of AI enabled this capability of isolating John’s voice from the background noise and piano sound.
Now that they can apparently isolate the guitar, drums, bass, vocals etc….from the early releases. Then they can re-engineer the songs from these multi-tracks to produce the record again.
Not sure this is a good thing. ‘She Loves You’ could be totally different,
but let’s wait and see.
thanx for the links.
I’ve heard it a couple of times but still out on whether John would have let this out.
I think the fact that Yoko and her son gave it to them speaks to that. Paul knew him well and he thought he would. As we found out in another documentary the breakup was not really a dispute, but rather a desire to produce their own individual efforts. That might indicate John would have rather it be released as his own song. We'll never really know. I'm just glad we could get one last song from John be it his own or collaborative.
If it has buttons, you're already half way there for learning a keyboard... ;)
Being a drummer I can see a computer replacing simple repetitive beats in many modern songs. Hell even Michael Jackson had simple repetitive drumming in his sings. I'm no longer needed! :(
Being a drummer I can see a computer replacing simple repetitive beats in many modern songs. Hell even Michael Jackson had simple repetitive drumming in his sings. I'm no longer needed! :(
I have a Roland keyboard that you can program in any variation of non simple and non repetitive drum beats....But look at it the other way. We look much better on stage than a band made up of computers.... lol....

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