Riley P

Staff member
Power User
Jan 11, 2009
2000 Z51
Well, waking up to a thunderstorm, I wrote today off. However, the sun is poking through, the streets are drying, I left this thread until way too late like every week. Is anyone coming out tonight if it continues to say clear? Is anyone going to see this thread before tonight? Who knows!...How exciting!
Meet Done. Meet good. Weather good. Good.


If you think the cars are diverse, you should see the people!:D

It was quite a good night. There were a few other Corvettes that showed up later, however, we are having real issues getting anyone out with a Corvette from 67 or older. We did have a 65 fuelie convertible out a couple times in previous years, but you just don't see many of them driving around anymore. Although still small, the diversity mentioned is quite different than when we first started to meet. There were 3 pewter C5's, one silver C5 and T's Red 73 when this all started.
Yup I wish it didn't thunderstorm all day cause the evening was nice. Unfortunatly I bring my car in for all day trips now so rain in the morning meens no driving corvette.

Riley is right the crowd has definatly grown. The very first meet was a silver C5, a pewter C5, and my Red C3. Oddly enough of the original three I am the only one who still owns their corvette.

Maybe next week the weather will be nice all day for me. I need to start making it to more meets.

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