Insurance options for C8 in Ontario


I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?
Try Desjardins they also give you a 4 or 5 years replacement policy.
Location also makes a huge difference in your rate. My son (23yrs old) is moving from Brampton to Hamilton and his insurance is going from $4000 to $2000. Brampton has the highest insurance rates in the country (as per insurance company) and the craziest drivers who think the rules are for everyone else (personal observation).
I purchase my car insurance through Surex for all of my cars, I don't have a preferred insurance provider in particular and I just always choose the quote that gives me the most amount of coverage (typically comprehensive car insurance) at the lowest price possible. Surex is an online brokerage that could help you get up to 10 quotes from different car insurance providers in just a matter of minutes by simply filling out all the necessary information on their website. I highly recommend you give them a try!

I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?
I have a Canadian carrier with $300 deductible, 5 Million PL/PD, roadside Assistance, etc. for $1,200 annually.

I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?
The premium is reasonable...but as others have said, what's with the huge deductible? Mine is $1,000, but my choice...I could lower it by paying a higher premium. Never had more than $1K deductible on any of our vehicles. Definitely shop around...although I don't anymore, going to a large brokerage that deals with multiple carriers can often save you a lot.
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