Insurance options for C8 in Ontario

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I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?

I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?
Left Allstate years ago after I had been with them for 20 years and they gave men extremely high rate and wouldn't budge on it. Screw them!
Your balls are in their hands with Allstate!
And don't get me started about banks and insurance! IMO you will never get a fair deal with money grubbing banks.
I was flat out lied to by CIBC when they told me I had to get my car safetied and it was the law. and I went to the Insurance Bureau of Canada to find out. The CIBC said, well, ok, "yes that is true, but it IS our policy" when I went back. Scum bags
As others have said, there must be a better option w/o such a high deductible (wow; $5,000!) so shop around. And better to have the same insurer for your home and all autos, since that qualifies you for the "multi-coverage discount" rate. I started an earlier thread mentioning that and some other insurance tips, which you might find helpful:

I'm paying less than the rates quoted in that posting.

Another thing to add: some vehicle insurers have a "one accident forgiveness policy" and others have a "one traffic ticket forgiveness policy" or some might have both. Nice to have since your premiums don't increase if you have one or the other. So that's another thing to ask any insurer when getting vehicle insurance.
I'm guessing if you are going to race your car and get into an accident on the track, that will likely negate any insurance...
You might not be asked but you might see them sneak something like this into your policy ....

So make sure to read every inch before you sign.


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You might not be asked but you might see them sneak something like this into your policy ....

So make sure to read every inch before you sign.
Isn't that a given? I wouldn't expect them to pay for damage caused by racing.
However, I have witnessed an Ins Co. refusal to pay when a competitor hit a parked car in the parking lot. The guy was just there to witness the event and the racer hit him.

I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?
I'm in Ontario, GTA area. I have broker that has me connected to CAA insurance. My C8 is 1086.00 per year and I think it's a zero dollar deductible?

I contacted my insurance company, All State to get a quote on my C8 (built April 19). The quote is fare $1,260 a year. The deductible is questionable $5,000! All State told me a $5k deductible is applicable to all cars over $100k. I have a clean record, no tickets, clams.
Anyone have some suggestions, anyone use Haggerty? What kind of rate should expect?
Lot of different factors...a lot to do with your postal code & the accident/theft experience therein. I once bought a used VW from a friend who lived 5 minutes away but in a different city/postal code, and my rates were 40% more at the time when I got it. My 2019 C7 just went up from $1,200 to $1,500/year with a carrier change...still working on that with our broker. $1,000 deductible, and I believe full replacement value in the first 5 years if it's totalled/stolen (knock on wood that it's not...).
TD was a spotlight on Global for their poor service! You poor bastards will pay if you ever need them!
They have terrible reputation right across the country... All the glib about saving drivers money, I thought I'd do some research on them. Glad I did.
Hi PistolPetes! The rate that you got is actually quite high in my opinion. I personally get my car insurance through Surex, I never stick with the same company for every renewal though as I always choose to go with the insurance policy that offers the best value for money in terms of price and coverage. I suggest you give rate comparison sites like Surex a try, it's a convenient way to shop around for car insurance quotes from multiple insurance providers.
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