
2 You're 10
Dec 2, 2012
2011 Grand Sport
Yup I did ! ! :swear:

Was my own fault ...can't believe I could be so stupid !

I've been trying to leave as much room as possible around the front of the car while parked in the garage... well I left TOO much and the door came down and clipped the spoiler . Now I've got a deep one inch scratch on the spoiler, and about a quarter inch scratch on the rear panel.
The car didn't have a mark on it till now ... I feel sick .

I know there are pro's who do this sort of repair , now I need to find the best in the business ! !
Did I mention how sick I feel ........
So sorry to hear this Jim. :eek:

I use a small rubber ball suspended from the ceiling with fishing line. When it hits the windshield I know the car is perfectly parked. With my depth perception and the 'vettes long nose I had no option but to do this. If not I'd be repainting the car and drywalling the garage every other day.
So sorry to hear this Jim. :eek:

I use a small rubber ball suspended from the ceiling with fishing line. When it hits the windshield I know the car is perfectly parked. With my depth perception and the 'vettes long nose I had no option but to do this. If not I'd be repainting the car and drywalling the garage every other day.

I just put one up !

I guess it's a classic example of the horse and barn door thing, but at least it won't happen again ..:(
That really does suck to hear! Same feeling I got when I just touched the wall with my 81 Camaro making the front not quite so pointy anymore. :(

Hopefully you find someone to fix er up for you!
only yesterday I was walking by mine, just nudged a piece of plywood that my creeper was resting against, well the creeper fell over against the rear of the car, loud bang, dam near had a heart attack! Checked for damage and only 1 small chip, the creeper and plywood have been removed! Note to self...never place anything within falling distance of the Vet!
Ouch! I remember my father having problems with our garage in Montreal. He made a front wheel bumper from some 2 by 4's and when the front tires hit them he was in as far as he could go............

Wayne, for depth perception challenges try a sprayer with a 120' boom travelling at 12 mph, I can't say how many trees I've hit/end sprayer nozzle bodies I've broken now! Spraying adjacent to trees with the rising or setting sun is almost beyond what is safe for me now.


Ouch! Sorry to hear bud.

I back my car into the garage...and just to be sure I'm always leaving enough room in both the front and back of the car, I put a strip of black tape on the passenger side wall...telling me that when the passenger side mirror is flush with the black line of tape, that the car is perfectly in the garage....front and back.

You'll get it fixed bud.

i have carpet squares on the floor, i can feel it in the car when i drive onto them, so thats how i know i'm in the sweet spot.
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