I have an 81 corvette and I cannot get the horn mech. and shims on without binding on the telescopi


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81 Vette
I have an 81 corvette and I cannot get the horn mech. and shims on without binding on the telescopic ring, the shim plate is about quarter inch below the ring. Can this star bolt be shortened it sticks out quite a bit.
...I never had one apart but maybe you got something wrong there. I looked in my 82 shop manual and it doesn't look complicated but as all things there is a sequence to follow in assembly. Maybe grab a book as they are good to have. Did it work ok before you took it apart or what really happened there ?
...I never had one apart but maybe you got something wrong there. I looked in my 82 shop manual and it doesn't look complicated but as all things there is a sequence to follow in assembly. Maybe grab a book as they are good to have. Did it work ok before you took it apart or what really happened there ?

Thanx for the feed back, I took it apart to paint and fix the horn, now it won't fit properly, got me puzzled. The "star screw" does not seem to go in far enough and there's nothing in the way. I took the pin out, back in with no problem.
Does ANYONE know anything about this or what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Thought you were corvette people !! WOW What a waste of my time
Hey Mitch, sorry we wasted your time. You took it apart and somehow it is our fault you cannot get it back together?

Have you looked at the manual as suggested for this car, looked at the "exploded" view of the assembly? If it worked before there is no reason why it should not work again. We just don't know what was done to it when taking it apart.

Good luck with it.
Thank you so much for your reply, Just very frustrated with this issue and can't seem to find any solution to my problem. Again sorry
Mitch, did you install any new parts in the assembly or did you just clean, paint and reassemble? Is it possible something is in upside down? It has to be simple. Is it possible that the star screw has to align with something in the column itself? Is it possible that the whole assembly is, for lack of a better explanation, 180 degrees out of alignment?

Wish we could offer more help Mitch but if it worked before it will work again, you will get it figured out.
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Mitch, just another thought. Is it possible that the telescoping column needs to be collapsed or perhaps in an extended position when the assembly is put back together? The answers has to be simple.

I wonder about this because while I realize it is unrelated to your issue I had an outboard motor that to replace the shear pin the shifter had to be in an exact position to allow everything to align. Drove me crazy until someone showed me how to do it.
Unfortunately Mitch, none of us watched you take it apart or try to put it back together. It is fairly obvious you are not doing something right and also fairly obvious that, as Black03 said, there has to be a simple, but also possibly hidden answer. You've been asked a couple times if you have a manual. I would assume if you don't, you have at least surfed every Google hit and image on the subject by now. Just out of curiosity, I found several very detailed exploded views of your column and some very good disassembly/reassembly directions. There appears to be more than one little trick you have to follow for proper assembly. Maybe you have already read every answer out there but just in case, here's what I thought was one of the better how-to's. Good Luck.

Mitch, just another thought. Is it possible that the telescoping column needs to be collapsed or perhaps in an extended position when the assembly is put back together? The answers has to be simple.

I wonder about this because while I realize it is unrelated to your issue I had an outboard motor that to replace the shear pin the shifter had to be in an exact position to allow everything to align. Drove me crazy until someone showed me how to do it.
Thank you for your reply Black 03, Good point on the positioning,I will check that. Yes I just took it apart to paint, checked the manual and parts breakdown and cannot seem to see what went wrong. The star screw won't thread down far enough, there's no obstruction as I didn't take the pin out.It's got me baffled.I've had it apart numerous times, can't see what it could be. I'll keep going over it , it's as you said something simple, I hope.
Thank you again for your help
Thanks Rruuf Dav, for the reply, yes I have the manual been over it and over it, It's got to be something simple as Black 03 says.I'm just not seeing it yet. My girlfriend says I must be looking with my man eyes lol. I'll keep looking.
Mich, you will get it figured out. We have faith.:thumbs:
Hi Mich, Good way to introduce yourself.

There are a whole lot of folks that will bend over backwards for a person that treats them with respect.

Within the first several posts you have made,You made it pretty clear that YOU want someone else to fix a problem YOU have created.

Good Luck and Welcome to the Forum.
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