HTC Rear View

How does everyone find the night driving experience?
… vision ability is a Calculus Math equation extrapolated by Driver’s Age …
(the part of math a student believes they never will need in life - dang eh)
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I have never touched the zoom control on my rear video mirror. Whatever it came at from the factory is what it is still at. I can easily see 3 lanes behind me on the 400 highway. Tilt is only useful when not using the video aspect of it. As for night vision.... after 4000 kms I have yet to drive the C8 at night!!!
Is there not a function to tilt the camera angle as one of the options. I don't have one to play with but I did read some of the owners manual and ran across. Brightness, tilt and zoom ?
Is there not a function to tilt the camera angle as one of the options. I don't have one to play with but I did read some of the owners manual and ran across. Brightness, tilt and zoom ?
Yes those functions are there for the video aspect of the mirror. I adjusted the tilt for the regular aspect of the mirror.
I have had my 2021 C8 HTC for about 6 weeks now. Love the car but the view out the back via the rear view camera is just about useless. I drive with top down 95% of the time, so camera in rear view mirror does not help (why did GM mount this camera on the roof, would have been better placed on the rear bumper in my opinion). So the bottom half of the rear view is blocked by the hump on the rear deck lid, then the top part of the rear window glass takes out another 1/4", then the high wing takes out about 1.5". Going down a hill, all I can see is sky LOL.

I have tried raising the seat to get a different angle on the view, but there is not much room to do that before you run out of mirror.

Oh, and I also made the mistake of pulling out of a parking lot at a 45 degree angle to the street - could not see a damn thing through the nacelle on passenger side. So, lesson learned - have to pull out at 90 degrees to the street.

Any suggestions on how to improve rear view?
Buy a 911o_O
Just picked up my HTC. I had a 2020 coupe before. I don’t have any issue with rear visibility with the top up or down. Still has huge blind spots but no big deal if you have your side mirrors properly adjusted.

I'd prefer a better view from my HTC center mirror when it's not functioning as a camera/video screen. Below is a photo taken a couple days ago of a taller SUV that was close behind my car, with my i-phone at the height of my eyes. It's not centered since I was in a hurry when taking the photo but it gives you a representative view. Yes you can see the upper half of the vehicle but that's because it's really close and taller. When vehicles are located further back from me, I can't see them because of the HTC hump unless it's a semi or something super tall. Yes I use my mirrors all the time and yes they're properly adjusted so they don't catch ANY sides of my car. If I lean forward and really try hard I'll catch some part of the vehicle(s) behind me in my side mirrors.

So each to his/her own I guess; it's a matter of what you're used to and find OK. I've never had a view like this from my rear view mirror on any vehicle I've driven but this is my first Corvette/mid-engine. And perhaps my 5'10" height has something to do with it; maybe taller people have less of an issue?

C8 Rear View from MIrror.jpg
Tilt your rear view video mirror down more. You will see more of the rear tonneau, bump and window area, but you will also see more of the vehicle behind you.

Thanks Thom I followed your advice even though it's counter-intuitive to adjust the mirror angle to see more of the "hump", but it worked! I'm now able to see more of the vehicles directly behind my HTC C8 with the top down (camera disabled) although still not 100% but it's definitely better. Thanks again!
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