How to stay motivated

Hey Rob! Looks really good! It appears that you are soooooo close! Maybe once the whether warms up a bit and you can imagine yourself out and cruising around, it will help to finish.

I only had one project with rebuilding my truck. Outside of learning about my truck and how it was put together, I had a buddy who knows these trucks inside and out give me pointers whenever I got stuck on something. So, if a friend can help or hang out so it's moves from being a chore to complete to being a time of getting to hang out with someone, that may help.
Oh, I guess my other motivation was that I needed something to drive. :D
Hang in there!!!!!! I know what your going threw . It took me 5 years to restore my 69 Camaro. Many times I either lost interest or felt discouraged.
1- it’s expensive
2- extremely time consuming
3- a lot of after-market parts are garbage and fit like crap, so finding original parts takes time and cost a lot.
It can be frustrating. I found setting a deadline worked best for me. I’m not sure if your familiar with performance world custom car and truck show. It was a indoor show in Toronto, I’m not sure if it’s still around. I had entered my car into it a year b4 it was finished and that was my deadline. I just kept thinking how amazing it would be to have my car on display and see ppl looking at it. It’s what pushed me to keep going threw all the work it takes to getting it to that point. So maybe try that! Set a day and stick with it. Something that will make you proud, it doesn’t have to be a car show it could be anything. Hope that helps you on your build!!!!
Well I am not sure I have any advice because I am in the same boat. I am frame off'ing my '73. You are much closer to driving than me though...I am jealous. My biggest problem i find is two things.

1) I have many other projects/activities on the go. I have a young family, acreage to maintain, I always am building something, I do my own vehicle maintenance...etc. On the plus side it is not like I am sitting around doing nothing.

2) When I get to an area where I am unfamiliar with how to proceed I tend to put it off. Case in point...I am right now in the body work phase and it is slow (actually halted). Main reason is I have very little experience with fiberglassing, but I am learning. When it comes to cutting and welding steel I dont even hesitate.

So although I am seemingly in the same boat as you I do find that reading up on other peoples progress helps my motivation. I also tend to be ready for work when new parts arrive! :D

You folks undertaking these restorations deserve a great deal of recognition and support. One thing if you are doing restorations for a living but with a bunch of other responsibilities thrown in I am surprised anything gets done.

I suspect when it stops being fun that would be a tough time to work through.

Keep at it guys you have my admiration.
You folks undertaking these restorations deserve a great deal of recognition and support. One thing if you are doing restorations for a living but with a bunch of other responsibilities thrown in I am surprised anything gets done.

I suspect when it stops being fun that would be a tough time to work through.

Keep at it guys you have my admiration.

Agreed. You have my admiration as well. Myself and others have seen Ziggy’s 70 and it is almost finished. It is astonishing when you realize the amount of detail and work he did to the car keeping it original and how clean and better than new it actually is.
Yes a massive effort but he smiles so big as he shows you details.
It took him years to get it just how he wanted it so don’t worry. One thing for sure he has a garage designed for Corvettes now.
Keep at it guys.
Well I am not sure I have any advice because I am in the same boat. I am frame off'ing my '73. You are much closer to driving than me though...I am jealous. My biggest problem i find is two things.

1) I have many other projects/activities on the go. I have a young family, acreage to maintain, I always am building something, I do my own vehicle maintenance...etc. On the plus side it is not like I am sitting around doing nothing.

2) When I get to an area where I am unfamiliar with how to proceed I tend to put it off. Case in point...I am right now in the body work phase and it is slow (actually halted). Main reason is I have very little experience with fiberglassing, but I am learning. When it comes to cutting and welding steel I dont even hesitate.

So although I am seemingly in the same boat as you I do find that reading up on other peoples progress helps my motivation. I also tend to be ready for work when new parts arrive! :D


Nicely sad. I wish you luck with your project. I remember the sanding and sanding and sanding. Glueing the doors which had to be rebuilt. Lots of work but great memories. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
You folks undertaking these restorations deserve a great deal of recognition and support. One thing if you are doing restorations for a living but with a bunch of other responsibilities thrown in I am surprised anything gets done.

I suspect when it stops being fun that would be a tough time to work through.

Keep at it guys you have my admiration.

Agreed. You have my admiration as well. Myself and others have seen Ziggy’s 70 and it is almost finished. It is astonishing when you realize the amount of detail and work he did to the car keeping it original and how clean and better than new it actually is.
Yes a massive effort but he smiles so big as he shows you details.
It took him years to get it just how he wanted it so don’t worry. One thing for sure he has a garage designed for Corvettes now.
Keep at it guys.

Wow would love to see that 70. I love that Year. Sometimes you get so picky and then realize just have to go with it. Yep coaching kids hockey. Working on my kids alcohol dragster to get it ready for the summer. Juggling all the to dos and still work on the car is a challenge
But posting something and seeing the responses is extremely helpful and positive comments are awesome!
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