How My 'Vette Found Me

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Good Evening.

I've often heard about how a 'Vette finds its owner--and not the other way around. After hearing those words uttered, I can understand what they mean--my 'Vette totally found me, and it took a long, LONG time............:D

This is a quite possibly boring post to many of you (if not all). I don't expect many--or any--of you to read this, but if you feel like a short-story to help get you through the winter, by all means have a look. I'd also love to know how your 'Vette found you too......

My story starts ALL back in my formative years--my love for 'Vettes was predicated by a love for cars in general. My dad once bought a car from the junkyard for me to play in. He put it in the backyard, and my brother and I spent hours pretending to drive this beat-up old wreck. Later, he restored a 58 T-Bird. Just about the coolest thing in the world to a kid was something like that. We went to parades, washed it, took it to the golf course, and more. I loved the looks we got, the smell of the interior, the sight of the supple red leather, and the unmistakable sound of that "old-iron" exhaust and engine. Yes, this tailfin and chrome masterpiece is what turned me into a "car guy".

In my early teens, my cousin had a C3 "Whale". He took me for my first ride in a 'Vette--it may have been my first "spirited" driving experience. I was left wanting more, and knew that this kind of thing was right up my alley. With the windows all-the-way-down, and the radio all-the-way-up, we burnt some rubber, and terrorized the streets of Brandon, Manitoba!! Right there and then, I knew I'd join the club one day--yes, one day I too would be a 'Vette owner.

My early twenties didn't change how I felt--I worked at restaurants and went to school always liking cars, and always LOVING 'Vettes. When the C5 debuted, I really thought how amazing it was that Chevy had made something that was already so great even that much better. The arrival of the C5 really stoked the fires within, but now cost was even more of an issue. After all, new 'Vettes are never cheap--and I was just a kid!

Obviously, my budget would never allow a prize as beautiful as a late-model Corvette--not on the salary I made. I had to keep dreaming that one day I could make it happen. The C4 ZR1 and the Acura NSX that often frequented my place of work. WOW, talk about great looking machines!!!!:D. I got an opportunity to drive the NSX one day--wow what a rocket-ship. I still think those look like great cars, but still--the NSX was no Corvette.

In university, I drove a Honda Prelude. Towards graduation, I inherited a Toyota Camry--still I lusted for power, sexy lines, and an unapologetic V8 engine--all in a package that would corner like it was on rails.

My education gained me an entry-level job with a leading pharmaceutical company. Instead of a company car, I opted to take an allowance--hopefully I could get a winter-beater and a 'Vette. To y disappointment, only specific cars were allowed. The search for my 'Vette was "to be continued" at a later date. My passion for something more spirited grew in this time though. I ended up with a really great VW Jetta--6-speed manual, 200 HP, all in a package that handled like it was on rails.

Soon enough, my spare-job (playing poker) was starting to put some extra cash in my jeans. I once-again set the cross-hairs on a 'Vette. I soon realized a C6--or even a nice C5 was still too expensive. Instead, I picked-up a Plum Crazy (Purple) on white 1971 Roadrunner. The 400 CI Engine and Satellite body made for a nice-looking and sounding machine. I loved it, but the performance just wasn't there. The 1971 model was REALLY hard to find parts for, so sadly, "Grimace" parted ways after two years--I wanted something else..............

"Grimace" was sold to buy Apple stock at $80/share at the bottom of the recession in 2006.

In found myself shopping around and checking out prices for 'Vettes. I frequented websited like,, and more. I thought I would find something in the States--the recession made prices come down, but with those lower prices also came the feeling that a 'Vette might not ever happen for me.

I 2011 I found myself in Phoenix for business--fresh off a promotion, and a raise. With the enthusiasm of a school-kid hearing the bell at recess, I looked close at some 'Vettes in Arizona. Just shopping was an awesome time. Between the web and all the local dealers, I found a few potential 'Vettes to look at.

Two piqued my interest the most. Both had a manual transmission and a C6 body--these were the "must-have" items for me. I also knew what colours I liked, and had few other specifics in mind. A black 'Vert (with Billy Boat exhaust and upgraded rims), and a Velocity Yellow Coupe were both in the running, and I made plans to take a closer look at each.

The black 'Vert was DYNAMITE!! I really wanted it. The exhaust sounded amazing, and the black rims look made the car look as sinister as it sounded.:D. It was love at first site. I thought that I had found my 'Vette!!!:D. I couldn't acquire the car on short-notice--I was a little heart-broken. My offer was accepted; however, the seller would not budge on the terms. Accessing money within a few hours wasn't easy for me--my bank was in another country, and the seller wanted cash or a bank draft only. Sadly, THIS 'Vette slipped through my fingers. In retrospect, maybe it was for the best--after all, I found this car, not the other way around.

The Velocity Yellow Coupe seemed like a logical back-up plan. What a great color!!! The seller met me at my hotel--the Phoenician has its perks, as I instantly achieved "serious buyer" status when I told him where I was staying. The price seemed good, if not great-- and the miles were low too!! Apparently, the car a local dealer's toy, and he was getting rid of it.

The test-drive wasn't great. A knock in the engine at low RPMs sent the red-flags up--I declined further action. The salesman asked if I'd consider it for a few thousand less, but my decision was final. To this day, I think I dodged a bullet, but still don't know what the problem might have been. Then when the paint didn't match up front, I knew this car was likely a dud. I didn't walk, but RAN from the deal as fast as I could.

I came back from the states empty handed--wondering if I'd ever find the car for me.:mad:. I was beginning to lose hope. Having come so close and coming up empty-handed felt crappy. I didn't think I would ever find what I wanted, at the price I needed. I scoured Kijiji, craigslist, dealerships, and had several leads--but all of them came-up short. I was losing faith, and thought I'd have to postpone my dream yet again.:(

Not long after, a friend mentioned a seldom-used website to me. He actually found a truck for himself there. Low-and-behold, the front page featured a magnificent looking C6. Standard tranny, HUD display, heated seats, and an owner who obviously babied his ride. I made quick contact. As luck would have it, the seller worked for one of my top customers. He was also located close to my office, and arranged to have me test-drive the car.

It turned out, the seller was moving back to Texas and he wanted to sell his 'Vette before moving, thinking he'd get a better price north of the border. He received few calls, and the people that did call him were looking to low-ball. As a result, he never had one person test-drive his car until I came along. It was almost like love at first site. The feeling I had when I walked-up to the vehicle was different than the other. It was indescribable--but it felt like this car found me!!!

I have no regrets about the purchase I made last spring. I'm loving my ride, but I must say--I wish CCF would have found me before I found it as well. I may have opted for a newer version, or looked closer at some other possibilities.

Still, my car looks brand new! I've added several great mods already, and there's more to come. I've met some interesting people both online and live.:D. I'm VERY happy to finally be "part of the club"......................and I can relate how my 'Vette found me, not the other way around.

I can't wait to go for a cruise sometime in March or April. Firing the engine up puts a smile on my face! Shifting is like magic! And on these cold winter nights, when the snow falls and I go to bed dreaming of what's next, I often wonder--how did my other CCF friends' 'Vettes find them????????:confused:

I'd love to know!
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Great story. I enjoyed the whole thing. It's so true how some of our journeys to find the perfect Vette don't always work out. It's when they do that it makes it so worthwhile. I hear you on the NSX. Great car and still a fan. It's just that for the value you can't beat the Vette for performance.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2
With our car, it was pretty short and sweet. I had been checking Kijiji and other sites all winter and this one 2005 stood out. The right colour, six speed and low mileage were all there. The price was a little high but dropped bit by bit. By mid April, we figured that someone was going to jump on the car if we didn't. One look and it was sold. The owner was meticulously clean and the car probably didn't look any better when brand new. A week or so later, we brought it home. 12K miles later and we have had absolutely no regrets. The car does everything even better than we had expected, especially the gas mileage. It will be around for a lot of miles. I enjoy reading about how people got their cars. A few years ago a guy I worked with came into my tool crib and asked me if I would be interested in a '69 Chevelle that a work mate of his son-in-law was selling. It was an L78 four speed car almost identical to our COPO Chevelle that we were trying to get restored. One look and we bought it. Some things are just meant to fall into place.
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nice story with a happy ending there xlr8r ! good idea for a thread too :D i think you are right on the money about the car sometimes finding you. i have been a car fanatic from a very early age. i have fond memories of when i was a little kid being a go'fer for my cousins when they were working on their flathead fords and mercs. i also discovered drag racing at an early age, every nickle i could scrape together went into the hot rods. unfortunately i also discovered that the banks had so much money that they were just loaning it out to people !!!!! well anyway i had to give up racing and concentrate on other things. the last " nice " car i had, a 75 trans am, ended up having to go tail-eyes down the road 31 years ago. driving became a chore instead of a pleasure, cruise nights and shows were nice but always left me feeling down afterwards. i had no place to properly store or work on a car and it was killing me. finally i could'nt take it anymore and said this is nuts i've gotta do something!! there was a 49 ford coupe that found me, a street legal race car , tube frame, cage , ladder bar rear, big block chev, damn near bought it. i just could'nt do it without a proper shop, trailer, etc. about the same time a friend was doing a major culling of the herd in his shop. he had a white 76 sitting in there that had been in there for years the plates on it were from 95. the car was in reasonable shape although needing paint, had never been hit. one day out of the blue i saw he had listed it on the local kijiji, yup that ol' shark was saying " here i am dummy ". i phoned him up and said ok what do you really want for it ? we agreed on 6800 bucks and i was back in the game. he's a good pal and lets me use his shop and gives me winter storage too. whew, that was long winded, i hope i didn't put anybody to sleep !!!! :D doug.
So I have 2 stories to tell.

The first one involves my '03 triple black 6 sp vert. I had been looking, nothing serious and no real intention to buy a vette. Checking out autotrader and kijiji ads, a friend and I would go for drives on the weekends and visit various dealerships around Toronto and the GTA for something to do. Looking at Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes, Jaguar, Ford, Dodge, Chev, etc. We were driving past this Acura dealership in the west end when I noticed the '03 on the lot. I decided to pull in and just look. Well, as soon as I got a good look, I decided to buy the car. Turns out, it was owned by the Acura dealers sales manager whom just parked it on the lot, not really to sell. At least that's his story. After about an hour, we made the deal and I was the owner of the '03, no mods, with under 53,000km.

I sold it 2 years later to pick up and Anniversary Edition '03 which the seller changed his mind and decided not to sell.

So my search was on again. I had been looking for about 3 years to replace my '03 triple black 6sp vert. I had a couple of cars slip thru my fingers as I couldn't decide on the spot to take them, and I had one sell on me before I even got to it.

So I was looking at this '04 triple black vert at a dealer in a neighboring town when a salesman from another dealer I knew walked out of the showroom. We exchanged pleasantries and some chit chat and I told him I was looking at the '04. While the dealer I was at was searching for the keys (they never did find it while I was there), the other salesman mentioned that he just got in an '05 that very day on a trade and if I wanted to come up and see it.

The price was a few $$$ out of my budget and really didn't think twice about it.

So after about 30 minutes of searching, I finally gave up waiting and told the guy to call me when they found the keys as I was really interested in the '04.

On the way home, something made me stop at the other dealer to "check out" the '05. As I pulled into the driveway, I could make out the left rear tail lights of the car. I knew as soon as I saw those lights, that car would be mine.

But me being me, I never make an emotional impulse buy so I walked away from the car telling him I'd think about it. 18 hours later, 9am the next day, I called up the salesguy, made a reasonable offer and they accepted.

And that's how I got my '05 triple black 6sp vert. Car was bone stock, no mods and under 42,000km and had all the options, except 1 which I gave in on. I decided the Z51 option wasn't something that I really needed as I didn't plan to track the car. The car stock is plenty powerful and performs very well as it is.

So it was pure happinstance that the salesguy from one dealer, walked out of another dealers showroom. I mean how often does that happen?
Echoing Riley, these are wonderful stories, just post after post of many smiles per hour! Excellent stories and thanks for sharing them. All unique and such interesting experiences you've all had finding your dream cars..........


Childhood Dream Fulfilled

Hey guys, I agree this is a great thread topic; some really nice stories shared. I thought I'd share my experience in "How My Vette Found Me", via a short story I wrote a couple of years ago. I know it may come across as a little cheesey for me to write this story, but I did it for me. And because finally owning my very own Corvette was truly a lifelong dream come true for me. Anyway, thought I'd share. Here it is (with some pics). Enjoy ...


Just like clockwork, there it was again - that intriguing, magnificent engine roar that I
my son Ryan found my vette for me. he lives in calgary and found the car on kijiji. i emailed the owner(ted) that Ryan would come look at the car for me. well, ryan called me and told me how nice the car was. while i was deciding, Ted had another buyer who wanted the car. It turns out Ted changed cell phine companies and the other gentle man couldn't get Ted on the phone to come buy the car, so he went with his 2nd choice and purchased a vette from someplace else. being it was end of season,sept. we managed to make a decent deal. my son ryan handled the purchase and delivered the car to my house in moose jaw for me. the only catch was he took over 12 hrs to drive the 650k home. so i guess you are right, the car picks you. i enjoy driving it every chance i get.
Good Evening.

I've often heard about how a 'Vette finds its owner--and not the other way around. After hearing those words uttered, I can understand what they mean--my 'Vette totally found me, and it took a long, LONG time............:D

This is a quite possibly boring post to many of you (if not all). I don't expect many--or any--of you to read this, but if you feel like a short-story to help get you through the winter, by all means have a look. I'd also love to know how your 'Vette found you too......

My story starts ALL back in my formative years--my love for 'Vettes was predicated by a love for cars in general. My dad once bought a car from the junkyard for me to play in. He put it in the backyard, and my brother and I spent hours pretending to drive this beat-up old wreck. Later, he restored a 58 T-Bird. Just about the coolest thing in the world to a kid was something like that. We went to parades, washed it, took it to the golf course, and more. I loved the looks we got, the smell of the interior, the sight of the supple red leather, and the unmistakable sound of that "old-iron" exhaust and engine. Yes, this tailfin and chrome masterpiece is what turned me into a "car guy".

In my early teens, my cousin had a C3 "Whale". He took me for my first ride in a 'Vette--it may have been my first "spirited" driving experience. I was left wanting more, and knew that this kind of thing was right up my alley. With the windows all-the-way-down, and the radio all-the-way-up, we burnt some rubber, and terrorized the streets of Brandon, Manitoba!! Right there and then, I knew I'd join the club one day--yes, one day I too would be a 'Vette owner.

My early twenties didn't change how I felt--I worked at restaurants and went to school always liking cars, and always LOVING 'Vettes. When the C5 debuted, I really thought how amazing it was that Chevy had made something that was already so great even that much better. The arrival of the C5 really stoked the fires within, but now cost was even more of an issue. After all, new 'Vettes are never cheap--and I was just a kid!

Obviously, my budget would never allow a prize as beautiful as a late-model Corvette--not on the salary I made. I had to keep dreaming that one day I could make it happen. The C4 ZR1 and the Acura NSX that often frequented my place of work. WOW, talk about great looking machines!!!!:D. I got an opportunity to drive the NSX one day--wow what a rocket-ship. I still think those look like great cars, but still--the NSX was no Corvette.

In university, I drove a Honda Prelude. Towards graduation, I inherited a Toyota Camry--still I lusted for power, sexy lines, and an unapologetic V8 engine--all in a package that would corner like it was on rails.

My education gained me an entry-level job with a leading pharmaceutical company. Instead of a company car, I opted to take an allowance--hopefully I could get a winter-beater and a 'Vette. To y disappointment, only specific cars were allowed. The search for my 'Vette was "to be continued" at a later date. My passion for something more spirited grew in this time though. I ended up with a really great VW Jetta--6-speed manual, 200 HP, all in a package that handled like it was on rails.

Soon enough, my spare-job (playing poker) was starting to put some extra cash in my jeans. I once-again set the cross-hairs on a 'Vette. I soon realized a C6--or even a nice C5 was still too expensive. Instead, I picked-up a Plum Crazy (Purple) on white 1971 Roadrunner. The 400 CI Engine and Satellite body made for a nice-looking and sounding machine. I loved it, but the performance just wasn't there. The 1971 model was REALLY hard to find parts for, so sadly, "Grimace" parted ways after two years--I wanted something else..............

"Grimace" was sold to buy Apple stock at $80/share at the bottom of the recession in 2006.

In found myself shopping around and checking out prices for 'Vettes. I frequented websited like,, and more. I thought I would find something in the States--the recession made prices come down, but with those lower prices also came the feeling that a 'Vette might not ever happen for me.

I 2011 I found myself in Phoenix for business--fresh off a promotion, and a raise. With the enthusiasm of a school-kid hearing the bell at recess, I looked close at some 'Vettes in Arizona. Just shopping was an awesome time. Between the web and all the local dealers, I found a few potential 'Vettes to look at.

Two piqued my interest the most. Both had a manual transmission and a C6 body--these were the "must-have" items for me. I also knew what colours I liked, and had few other specifics in mind. A black 'Vert (with Billy Boat exhaust and upgraded rims), and a Velocity Yellow Coupe were both in the running, and I made plans to take a closer look at each.

The black 'Vert was DYNAMITE!! I really wanted it. The exhaust sounded amazing, and the black rims look made the car look as sinister as it sounded.:D. It was love at first site. I thought that I had found my 'Vette!!!:D. I couldn't acquire the car on short-notice--I was a little heart-broken. My offer was accepted; however, the seller would not budge on the terms. Accessing money within a few hours wasn't easy for me--my bank was in another country, and the seller wanted cash or a bank draft only. Sadly, THIS 'Vette slipped through my fingers. In retrospect, maybe it was for the best--after all, I found this car, not the other way around.

The Velocity Yellow Coupe seemed like a logical back-up plan. What a great color!!! The seller met me at my hotel--the Phoenician has its perks, as I instantly achieved "serious buyer" status when I told him where I was staying. The price seemed good, if not great-- and the miles were low too!! Apparently, the car a local dealer's toy, and he was getting rid of it.

The test-drive wasn't great. A knock in the engine at low RPMs sent the red-flags up--I declined further action. The salesman asked if I'd consider it for a few thousand less, but my decision was final. To this day, I think I dodged a bullet, but still don't know what the problem might have been. Then when the paint didn't match up front, I knew this car was likely a dud. I didn't walk, but RAN from the deal as fast as I could.

I came back from the states empty handed--wondering if I'd ever find the car for me.:mad:. I was beginning to lose hope. Having come so close and coming up empty-handed felt crappy. I didn't think I would ever find what I wanted, at the price I needed. I scoured Kijiji, craigslist, dealerships, and had several leads--but all of them came-up short. I was losing faith, and thought I'd have to postpone my dream yet again.:(

Not long after, a friend mentioned a seldom-used website to me. He actually found a truck for himself there. Low-and-behold, the front page featured a magnificent looking C6. Standard tranny, HUD display, heated seats, and an owner who obviously babied his ride. I made quick contact. As luck would have it, the seller worked for one of my top customers. He was also located close to my office, and arranged to have me test-drive the car.

It turned out, the seller was moving back to Texas and he wanted to sell his 'Vette before moving, thinking he'd get a better price north of the border. He received few calls, and the people that did call him were looking to low-ball. As a result, he never had one person test-drive his car until I came along. It was almost like love at first site. The feeling I had when I walked-up to the vehicle was different than the other. It was indescribable--but it felt like this car found me!!!

I have no regrets about the purchase I made last spring. I'm loving my ride, but I must say--I wish CCF would have found me before I found it as well. I may have opted for a newer version, or looked closer at some other possibilities.

Still, my car looks brand new! I've added several great mods already, and there's more to come. I've met some interesting people both online and live.:D. I'm VERY happy to finally be "part of the club"......................and I can relate how my 'Vette found me, not the other way around.

I can't wait to go for a cruise sometime in March or April. Firing the engine up puts a smile on my face! Shifting is like magic! And on these cold winter nights, when the snow falls and I go to bed dreaming of what's next, I often wonder--how did my other CCF friends' 'Vettes find them????????:confused:

I'd love to know!

Good Evening.

I've often heard about how a 'Vette finds its owner--and not the other way around. After hearing those words uttered, I can understand what they mean--my 'Vette totally found me, and it took a long, LONG time............:D

This is a quite possibly boring post to many of you (if not all). I don't expect many--or any--of you to read this, but if you feel like a short-story to help get you through the winter, by all means have a look. I'd also love to know how your 'Vette found you too......

My story starts ALL back in my formative years--my love for 'Vettes was predicated by a love for cars in general. My dad once bought a car from the junkyard for me to play in. He put it in the backyard, and my brother and I spent hours pretending to drive this beat-up old wreck. Later, he restored a 58 T-Bird. Just about the coolest thing in the world to a kid was something like that. We went to parades, washed it, took it to the golf course, and more. I loved the looks we got, the smell of the interior, the sight of the supple red leather, and the unmistakable sound of that "old-iron" exhaust and engine. Yes, this tailfin and chrome masterpiece is what turned me into a "car guy".

In my early teens, my cousin had a C3 "Whale". He took me for my first ride in a 'Vette--it may have been my first "spirited" driving experience. I was left wanting more, and knew that this kind of thing was right up my alley. With the windows all-the-way-down, and the radio all-the-way-up, we burnt some rubber, and terrorized the streets of Brandon, Manitoba!! Right there and then, I knew I'd join the club one day--yes, one day I too would be a 'Vette owner.

My early twenties didn't change how I felt--I worked at restaurants and went to school always liking cars, and always LOVING 'Vettes. When the C5 debuted, I really thought how amazing it was that Chevy had made something that was already so great even that much better. The arrival of the C5 really stoked the fires within, but now cost was even more of an issue. After all, new 'Vettes are never cheap--and I was just a kid!

Obviously, my budget would never allow a prize as beautiful as a late-model Corvette--not on the salary I made. I had to keep dreaming that one day I could make it happen. The C4 ZR1 and the Acura NSX that often frequented my place of work. WOW, talk about great looking machines!!!!:D. I got an opportunity to drive the NSX one day--wow what a rocket-ship. I still think those look like great cars, but still--the NSX was no Corvette.

In university, I drove a Honda Prelude. Towards graduation, I inherited a Toyota Camry--still I lusted for power, sexy lines, and an unapologetic V8 engine--all in a package that would corner like it was on rails.

My education gained me an entry-level job with a leading pharmaceutical company. Instead of a company car, I opted to take an allowance--hopefully I could get a winter-beater and a 'Vette. To y disappointment, only specific cars were allowed. The search for my 'Vette was "to be continued" at a later date. My passion for something more spirited grew in this time though. I ended up with a really great VW Jetta--6-speed manual, 200 HP, all in a package that handled like it was on rails.

Soon enough, my spare-job (playing poker) was starting to put some extra cash in my jeans. I once-again set the cross-hairs on a 'Vette. I soon realized a C6--or even a nice C5 was still too expensive. Instead, I picked-up a Plum Crazy (Purple) on white 1971 Roadrunner. The 400 CI Engine and Satellite body made for a nice-looking and sounding machine. I loved it, but the performance just wasn't there. The 1971 model was REALLY hard to find parts for, so sadly, "Grimace" parted ways after two years--I wanted something else..............

"Grimace" was sold to buy Apple stock at $80/share at the bottom of the recession in 2006.

In found myself shopping around and checking out prices for 'Vettes. I frequented websited like,, and more. I thought I would find something in the States--the recession made prices come down, but with those lower prices also came the feeling that a 'Vette might not ever happen for me.

I 2011 I found myself in Phoenix for business--fresh off a promotion, and a raise. With the enthusiasm of a school-kid hearing the bell at recess, I looked close at some 'Vettes in Arizona. Just shopping was an awesome time. Between the web and all the local dealers, I found a few potential 'Vettes to look at.

Two piqued my interest the most. Both had a manual transmission and a C6 body--these were the "must-have" items for me. I also knew what colours I liked, and had few other specifics in mind. A black 'Vert (with Billy Boat exhaust and upgraded rims), and a Velocity Yellow Coupe were both in the running, and I made plans to take a closer look at each.

The black 'Vert was DYNAMITE!! I really wanted it. The exhaust sounded amazing, and the black rims look made the car look as sinister as it sounded.:D. It was love at first site. I thought that I had found my 'Vette!!!:D. I couldn't acquire the car on short-notice--I was a little heart-broken. My offer was accepted; however, the seller would not budge on the terms. Accessing money within a few hours wasn't easy for me--my bank was in another country, and the seller wanted cash or a bank draft only. Sadly, THIS 'Vette slipped through my fingers. In retrospect, maybe it was for the best--after all, I found this car, not the other way around.

The Velocity Yellow Coupe seemed like a logical back-up plan. What a great color!!! The seller met me at my hotel--the Phoenician has its perks, as I instantly achieved "serious buyer" status when I told him where I was staying. The price seemed good, if not great-- and the miles were low too!! Apparently, the car a local dealer's toy, and he was getting rid of it.

The test-drive wasn't great. A knock in the engine at low RPMs sent the red-flags up--I declined further action. The salesman asked if I'd consider it for a few thousand less, but my decision was final. To this day, I think I dodged a bullet, but still don't know what the problem might have been. Then when the paint didn't match up front, I knew this car was likely a dud. I didn't walk, but RAN from the deal as fast as I could.

I came back from the states empty handed--wondering if I'd ever find the car for me.:mad:. I was beginning to lose hope. Having come so close and coming up empty-handed felt crappy. I didn't think I would ever find what I wanted, at the price I needed. I scoured Kijiji, craigslist, dealerships, and had several leads--but all of them came-up short. I was losing faith, and thought I'd have to postpone my dream yet again.:(

Not long after, a friend mentioned a seldom-used website to me. He actually found a truck for himself there. Low-and-behold, the front page featured a magnificent looking C6. Standard tranny, HUD display, heated seats, and an owner who obviously babied his ride. I made quick contact. As luck would have it, the seller worked for one of my top customers. He was also located close to my office, and arranged to have me test-drive the car.

It turned out, the seller was moving back to Texas and he wanted to sell his 'Vette before moving, thinking he'd get a better price north of the border. He received few calls, and the people that did call him were looking to low-ball. As a result, he never had one person test-drive his car until I came along. It was almost like love at first site. The feeling I had when I walked-up to the vehicle was different than the other. It was indescribable--but it felt like this car found me!!!

I have no regrets about the purchase I made last spring. I'm loving my ride, but I must say--I wish CCF would have found me before I found it as well. I may have opted for a newer version, or looked closer at some other possibilities.

Still, my car looks brand new! I've added several great mods already, and there's more to come. I've met some interesting people both online and live.:D. I'm VERY happy to finally be "part of the club"......................and I can relate how my 'Vette found me, not the other way around.

I can't wait to go for a cruise sometime in March or April. Firing the engine up puts a smile on my face! Shifting is like magic! And on these cold winter nights, when the snow falls and I go to bed dreaming of what's next, I often wonder--how did my other CCF friends' 'Vettes find them????????:confused:

I'd love to know!
Love it!

So many similarities. I think it's just common with Corvette "enthusiasts"... Different than other cars.

My Dad has 280 z's, Cadillacs and then Corvettes. Dad and Stepmother both had for years. (Child of the 70's/80's)
Kids, we'd have to ride in the back, no seat belt laws I guess.

Sexiest car I've still ever seen. The lines. mmm. So unique and easily distinguished from anything else. Dream car(Corvette Summer anyone?)

Fast forward, marriage, houses, kids...

Thought I would have by 30, then 40 here I am 50.

After years of struggling, divorced, underwater house, almost let it go a couple of times.

Now have mucho equity, now or never!

Decided C5 (silly, but, headlights)

Couldn't decide, 50th, LeMans? Then discovered Speedway white, I like the unusual, I'm unusual, lol.

Told my Dad about my stress and struggle deciding. He said, "You won't find it, it will find you."

Most cars I liked are sprinkled all over the country, figuring how to see, drive, inspect, trains, hire a driver, ship??? My brain about to explode.

Took another look at green car we had seen online. Something was different with the guages, 300mph? Research reveals immediately it's a Canada car!
That's unusual!

It was in Pennsylvania (my state) 1.5 hrs away, low enough miles, beautiful condition, easy to look at and drive, I'm in that general area sometimes.

Dealer left it open for me on a Sunday! So I could at least check it out.

Same as you said!!!
"The feeling I had when I walked-up to the vehicle was different than the other."

Next day, drove and wrote a big check.

Definitely found me. And I could not be more thrilled!
@Shady Lady you have pulled up a thread from 2013 with so many names from the past of people that I miss, like a trip down memory lane!:thumbs:

Great story on your car. Enjoy it and keep us up to date on your adventures.
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