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How many hours to R&R tranny in a C5?

2001 Z06
Hey guys... can anyone tell me approximately how many hours are involved with removing the tranny, installing the clutch and subsequently replacing the tranny?

I'm a little worried as after replacing the tranny in my ride, the shop test drove the car and it was popping out of second. Now they have to remove the tranny once again and I;m certainly not interested in paying for the job twice.

It's a reputable shop with a 30 year history but still... i want to make sure I'm not paying for someone else's mistakes.


8 to 12 hours for sure I did my tranny, Hard to say for sure on time frame because it was a couple hours after work kinda project. Only problem I had was getting the clutch line disconnected and stabilizing the tranny on a jack getting it out. My tranny got stuck in 4th gear and a $700 to my door, heavy duty rebuikd kit fixed it up
It should be as simple as if the shop rebuilt your tranny, they should warranty their work. If they are reputable, they should stand behind their work and fix their mistake. If the blocker ring is junk, they should look to the manufacture of the transmission components to compensate the cost. It should not be your issue except that you are without your car for the next while.
If you took it into the shop for the clutch to be replaced and they had nothing to do with the rebuild...not much they can do I am sure.
Am I out of line, or does this sound reasonable?
Pretty much pegged it :)

I can't blame the shop that yanked the tranny out... in fact I feel horrible becuase the car has been on the single one hoist for over 2 months because the brakes they ordered were 3 weeks late and the had already dismantled the existing one and now it had to go BACK on the hoist again. The owner of the shop was pretty pissed off but they've been fine to deal with. I suspect he's a little upset with his tranny builder though.

For me personally it's an inconvenience only because I want my car!!!
just over 7 hours for trans in and out, if adding clutch replace up front, add 2 more hours. Blockers are comon, like the synchro's, usually a visual during rebuild

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