Request Hi, to all the Saskatoon and area Corvette owners. I am looking for a Mechanic to work on my 2001 Z06. Any recommendations?

2013 Grand Sport 2LT
I just purchased a 2001 Z06 (C5). The cars seems clean except the clutch is very difficult to press and hold to the point where my leg gets sore at a red light. The car shifts fine other than the usual tight shifting that seems to be common in all C5's. When releasing the clutch it engages smoothly. The previous owner said a new clutch was put in the car about 2 years ago. I could not find anything in the forums that addresses this problem. Can anyone recommend a mechanic in Saskatoon that works on Corvettes? Thanks. I look forward to meeting up with you at the next club event in Saskatoon.
The former owner might of put in a aftermarket performance clutch, instead of replacing it with another stock clutch. You could also get a short throw shifter for quicker positive shifts. Also check your clutch fluid if it is brown, black get it changed, that alone could help your clutch engagements and shifting.

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