Question Help to determine C-5 Roadside Assistance Availability on Cdn delivered cars

58, 2003
I’ve been asked find out if any Cdn delivered C-5’s were given Roadside Assistance Protection from the Factory. The SPIL Code that references this feature is DL5 and would be found on the top line. If they’re like in US models it should be accompanied by a Window sticker and Pamphlet in the Owners Manual. Wonder if anyone can offer any input on this disparity. My early built car going through the Judging process does not have this and several others I’ve looked at are also missing. This will have to be addressed in revisions to the next manual going forward in the Interior section.
I will have to dig out my paperwork on mine. Don't recall it but it has been some time since I looked.

By the way do you have correctly dated original tires for yours?

Where was this judging held?
That code wasn't on the list for my 2001, or are you asking for specifically the 03 model?
Thanks good to know Ol Yeller. My 03 is the target that has brought this issue up. Specifically aimed towards 2002-2004 and the 2005-2007 group is up next because there Judging eligibility has just started. For NCRS it’s all about originality that equals points loss.
I will have to dig out my paperwork on mine. Don't recall it but it has been some time since I looked.

By the way do you have correctly dated original tires for yours?

Where was this judging held?
This event was the NCRS National Convention in French Lick Indiana. I’m pursuing the Dave Hill Mark of Excellence Award that requires a score of 97% or better of Factory delivered condition. No repo parts, Napa hoses, Michelin tires or CTC wiper blades. I drove there and back CAREFULLY on my original Run Flats that just turned 12,000 miles. Not for everyone but I’ve been doing this a long time.
Hope to hear from some more original owners/ Sales or Service reps that can add any info to this request. Thanks
@50th AEfan Found my window sticker and the last two items in the "Standard Equipment" section are GM Roadside Assistance" and "Courtesy Transportation". I will look at the glove box sticker to see if there was a specific code for that feature.
Checked the build plate in the glove box, the code DL 5 does not show up.
Agree on the code not showing up @50th AEfan @OL Yeller but it does say specifically on the window sticker that Roadside Assistance and Courtesy Transportation are included in the list price. Never used either one but have to assume the offer was genuine.

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