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Headlight sensor..

1998 convertable C5
Hey guy's
Anyone know if its possible to adjust the headlight sensor so the lights dont pop up to early .... I find it pretty anoying when its still daylight and the pop up to soon like that.... Or do I have to bypass the sensor and is it hard to get at...??? :confused:
Thanks in advanced,
I'm not sure if you can adjust the sensitivity of the sensor. If you have a car from the US, you can disarm the Twilight Sentinel using the DIC using the Options button. Apparently RPO Z49 distinguishes a Canadian car from a US car and whether you can turn off this feature using the DIC. A dealer can use their Tech-II to change RPO Z49 from yes to no if you have a Canadian car then you should be able to decide if you want this feature on or off.

I believe you might be able to turn off that feature using EFI live or HP Tuners as well. Mr. Manny should have a proper answer for you.

If it never did this before, maybe the sensor is dirty?
If it never did this before, maybe the sensor is dirty?

I don't know if it did it before cause its only the second summer I've had this car...but what rang my bell, is I crossed another C5 owner on my way home yesterday and his headlights were still down. Last summer I wanted to check on this but never had the time. I've heard there were some type of swtches you can get to bypass this but something tells me its alot simpler and they don't seem to explain this in the owners manual. Thanks Riley I will try and see to what all you said...
Sniffing around on the ol' interweb,

If your car is a US car, Press the Options button until TWILIGHT-ON appears. Then using the RESET button, page through the options:


With TWILIGHT - ON selected, if you press the OPTIONS button it will display DELAY TIME 1 2. You can increase or decrease the delay time using buttons #1 (FUEL) and #2 (GAGES). This will increase or decrease the bars shown on the display. The more bars, the longer the delay the fewer the bars the less delay time. Each bar equals 12 seconds.

If you cannot get to the TWILIGHT option, your car is a Canadian car and as you know, you'll have to have someone change it to a US car.

Depending on the year, others found that you can just pull fuse #44 in the passenger foot well, however, your front corner lights won't flash when you lock the car and your DRL's also won't light up when the car is running but everything else should work properly. I've never tired this or seen this, this is all just what I have read so I can't verify if this is valid or not.
Hi there, I have a 2001 coupe and my headlights only pop up when I use the switch. Here's what I have found on mine which I believe allows me to do this. Try removing the relay in position 44 in the fuse box which is located in the passenger side floor area. It's labeled as ALC/HDLP, probably stands for automatic lamp control / Headlamp.

Running lights and daytime lights work as they should, only thing that is different is that I have to use the switch to have the headlights popup. Car came this way when I purchased it and I don't think any other wiring changes have been done.

Give it a try .. pretty good chance this is exactly what you want ...

Here is a good link which shows the fuse box and the relay/fuse locations. Relay is labled as 8567

Well I tried these unplug fuze / relay tricks and they dont seem to work on 98's...Even Obsession showed me witch one he took out, and its not the same year.... :confused:
I will have to go with what Manny did to his and bypass the sensor with a resistor...
Hi there, I have a 2001 coupe and my headlights only pop up when I use the switch. Here's what I have found on mine which I believe allows me to do this. Try removing the relay in position 44 in the fuse box which is located in the passenger side floor area. It's labeled as ALC/HDLP, probably stands for automatic lamp control / Headlamp.

Running lights and daytime lights work as they should, only thing that is different is that I have to use the switch to have the headlights popup. Car came this way when I purchased it and I don't think any other wiring changes have been done.

Give it a try .. pretty good chance this is exactly what you want ...

Here is a good link which shows the fuse box and the relay/fuse locations. Relay is labled as 8567


Yup. I removed the fuse on your car Bruce because with the HID kits I didn't want the lights needlessly coming on and going off everytime I left or came in to the underground parking at home. HIDs don't like that stuff.

Well I tried these unplug fuze / relay tricks and they dont seem to work on 98's...Even Obsession showed me witch one he took out, and its not the same year.... :confused:
I will have to go with what Manny did to his and bypass the sensor with a resistor...

The fuse thing will definately not work on the early C5s.
2000 Vert

Greetings - I pulled fuse #44 a couple years back on a US car, so now I am in manual mode and it works fine.
I prefer to control the car, than have the car control the driver.
In the early evening, you can turn on the enhanced fog lights and keep the headlights from popping up.
PS: This keeps the drag coefficient lower then the C6. With the lights up, the drag is higher than the C6.
Well i just received the DEFEAT resister to bypass the daylight sensor and it doesn't work...:confused: I tested it for its resistance and gave me 31.4 ohms ...I think its quite high!! Anyway i will get in touch with the Corvette gadgetMan and find out what the problem can be...its the same as Manny has and his works...:confused:
Well i just received the DEFEAT resister to bypass the daylight sensor and it doesn't work...:confused: I tested it for its resistance and gave me 31.4 ohms ...I think its quite high!! Anyway i will get in touch with the Corvette gadgetMan and find out what the problem can be...its the same as Manny has and his works...:confused:

Which side did you install it on ?

There are 2 sensors , 1 on the drivers side and 1 on the passender side in the that center vent .

Its the 1 on the divers side that gets the reistor .
Which side did you install it on ?

There are 2 sensors , 1 on the drivers side and 1 on the passender side in the that center vent .

Its the 1 on the divers side that gets the reistor .

:eek: Oops !!! :D I will try that....I was sure the other was to small of a sensor for it to be it.... Whats the one on the passengers side used for then ???
I have a 2000 C5, and I bought the resistor from the gadgetman ... I don't like the lights "up" early in the evening... I pryed up the defroster grille, and there is a pair of wires on the left hooked to a flat sensor (I think) and a pair of wires on the right side, hooked to a round prominent sensor.. I followed instructions, and covered the whole defroster grille and lights did not pop up ??? :confused: ------------------------------------
and I have read all the threads about noise from the headlight gears.. My car makes a sound AFTER the lights go down... its always the same and sounds like a little compressor pumping up a tank?? :swear: weird.... like me
Ops ... I see the above answer to the question..... install on left wires.... The compressor sound sure is strange.....
I don't mind fixing the gears, if they are broke.... BUT the sound is not of broken or damage..... just a compressor fill up sound... Carl
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Ops ... I see the above answer to the question..... install on left wires.... The compressor sound sure is strange.....
I don't mind fixing the gears, if they are broke.... BUT the sound is not of broken or damage..... just a compressor fill up sound... Carl

Its the gear inside thats gone , need to replace it :D:D
Giving me the gears lol

I kinda fiqured the noise was related to the gears ...

I think I'll just trade the car, for one without any noises....:eek:

p.s. the noise still sounds like a compressor I will record and post

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