Have You Had Your Toy Out Yet ????

How did the tires feel? Bumpy until they heated up I guess?
Good for you.
Yes the tires have some flat stops when you start. I find it is very stiff shifting the 6 speed until everything warms up. I get jealous with all the convertibles the members had. Wife said I could get a convertible again as I have pre cancerous stops on my forehead. I said it didn't make any difference with the roof off and there would be more wind turbulence with the coupe roof off compared to the convertible. You have to make some compromises to keep the marriage together. Wife actually wanted another CTS-V
Had your out yet?
Charlie: yes I drove mine yesterday and will again to-day. My last car - a 2003 was a convertible as well - love the wind in hair. I had a wind deflector installed which I ordered from the USA. I am surprised that the C6 & C7 do not have wind deflectors? I really like the new caddyies - especially the model with the 6.2L corvette engine (CTS-V?). I always wear a baseball cap and use sun screen when I am out and about in my C7 for protection.
Lol.... did the shovel for effect. MIssing road time though. I didn't even have the heart to cover her up in the garage this winter... Little work on her here and there. Love having a heated garage where i can hide out when need be.
AllFlash: love the color combo of your car. When the targa top is off and stored in back, is there room for a set of golf clubs?
59 days left till coming out day .Going to check tire pressure and change my oil next week (do it myself )interior detail --just in case
I will probably be getting the Corvette and the Le mans out around the middle of April if all the salt is washed off the roads by then. I wish all you people with the newer cars would keep them in during the winter so things aren't all rusted on them when they are old enough for me to afford to buy.
I sold my C6 Z06 about a month ago but i do see it around town with it's new owner. Prior to selling my car i had it parked during Nov and Dec.

I'm currently in the market for a new C7 Grand Sport or a 2015/2016 Z06.
With the weather we have been getting over the last week I'll have to revise my post from mid April to mid June. Hardly had any snow all winter till last week and today we're in the middle of a good old fashioned all out blizzard.I can't even see to the end of our walkway and they're calling for 60 cm and 110km wind.At least the power is still on.
With the weather we have been getting over the last week I'll have to revise my post from mid April to mid June. Hardly had any snow all winter till last week and today we're in the middle of a good old fashioned all out blizzard.I can't even see to the end of our walkway and they're calling for 60 cm and 110km wind.At least the power is still on.
And thanks for sending my way 71 inches in seven days with more coming .:D

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