Happy Easter CCF .....

More snow here over the past three days than over the rest of the winter - bleh. But it was +3 today and the forecast is from +6 to even +14 over the next week so I hope this snow nonsense is over with for the year finally. I hate when it teases me like that.

But celebrated Easter Friday by going for a nice brisk 10 km walk with my son this morning, the first we've done together that long in probably 2 or 3 years.

Happy Easter one and all and here's for a speedy return to the bare roads for us all!


Keep the snow up there Garry. We had a little dump Monday to welcome me back from Aussieland but it's pretty much gone again.... still piles in the yard and a mile of mud to reach pavement so I need some drying weather.... suppose to snow again here Monday so it's a wait and see.... I hope you're right and it's over and on that note I'm not going to say another word about spring snows!

Happy Easter back atcha, and to all the forum, here's hoping the cute little Easter bunnies visit you all....


Keep the snow up there Garry. We had a little dump Monday to welcome me back from Aussieland but it's pretty much gone again.... still piles in the yard and a mile of mud to reach pavement so I need some drying weather.... suppose to snow again here Monday so it's a wait and see.... I hope you're right and it's over and on that note I'm not going to say another word about spring snows!

Happy Easter back atcha, and to all the forum, here's hoping the cute little Easter bunnies visit you all....


Lol Eric I hope you mean the "cute little bunnie" on the hood........The other 2 look very anxious and I'm not sure my heart would be up to 'it'.:D

Happy Easter mgf -- hoping you get that dry weather and sunshine soon.

Colin. (in Ice covered Cambridge).
I definitely meant the bunny Colin. I totally forgot but was going to photo shop the other 2 out just in case of the weak hearts among us.... lol....

Happy Easter to you as well and careful of the ice.... not only do we have to watch our hearts, but our hips too....:Arghh:
No 'shop needed mgf, besides I've exercised all day and can say surely that my heart is fine now (in anticipation of any more bunnies:Biggrin:)

Trouble is my hips are hurtin' now --- Sheesh -- ya just can't win can ya.....:Banghead:

Thankfully a little medicine helped.:Cheers2:

Beautiful morning here. Sun is shinning but it is cold.

Have a great Easter Sunday and hopefully an Easter feast.
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