Happy Easter CCF .....

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Very good guys. Good Humour. Yes I will have one of those cones with the nuts and chocolate dip please.

Have a great weekend every one. Once the bunny has dumped spring cannot be far behind but we thought that about the stupid groundhog as well.:Biggrin:
Eric, when you hit my age every day seems like the weekend.:D It is Christmas this weekend right?
yes happy Easter all or whatever day you want to call it lol....:Biggrin:

.Pity mother nature isn't in a very good mood lately but she'll get her act together soon we hope.
She obviously doesn't have a 'vette in her garage with what she's blessed us with ..... :eek: -- but she will tease us again with temps in the teens on Easter Sunday.

Happy Easter all and be safe wherever you may be.

In light of the 'news' lately I've been counting my blessings as I"m guessing many of us have.

Your a madman Riley.:WillyNilly:
We are into our third day of winds at 80 gusting to 100. The temps have been hanging around -5°C as highs with bitter wind chills.
I keep checking the date on the calendar to make sure it is the Easter weekend
Oh well... Happy Easter everyone and stay warm over the long weekend
Sounds nasty 12cents. Make sure everything is tied down.

Just being pelted with freezing rain, everything is coated with a thick layer of ice. Nasty, I am glad I am inside and not driving tonight.
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