If anyone has their cars out and the weather people are accurate (keep from laughing here), let's have a get together this Thursday at Golder Associates on 8th Street across from the DQ. Who's planning on coming out?
Riley, I sure hope that you folks will be getting some better weather. I got as close as Brandon on my way back and got into all kinds of crap. Did make it to the Shilo museum though and really enjoyed it. Had plans to meet up with you guys for a get together, but chickened out when we got the tornado warnings on that saturday night. Did the best thing and went strait south back across the border and came home through the U.S.
I don't blame you. Man, that weather looked nuts!!!! It was all north and south of Saskatoon. It's times like those I wish I had a garage. The storm proof car cover is great!..but I don't think it would stand up to hail. Let us know if you ever make it back this way. I'll definitely be out if the weather cooperates, and if not, we could always meet with normal cars.
The weather looks like it's going to be great out! 0% chance of rain and 18 in the evening! Woo-hoo! Judging by the amount of replies, it's going to be a packed night! Better get there early!