
2 You're 10
Oct 29, 2013
Brighton, ONTARIO
2014 2LT
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photo 3.jpg
AR Convertible


The combination of white/black/red works for me too. The white corvette is a classic looking car.

This color combination is my first preference for my next Vette.

Black and white combination is one of the best combinations. The only thing that the white gets dirty quickly, but nevermind when it looks perfect like this.
Black and white combination is one of the best combinations. The only thing that the white gets dirty quickly, but nevermind when it looks perfect like this.

Hi CRS. Have you had a white car before? I'm finding my white C4 and Montana minivan are the easiest vehicles I have owned as far as keeping them looking presentable.
Hi CRS. Have you had a white car before? I'm finding my white C4 and Montana minivan are the easiest vehicles I have owned as far as keeping them looking presentable.

I now have white car. I now wash it, and park it. In ten minutes I see dust on him, that anoys me. Maybe I'm just perfectionist when the cleanliness of the car concerned.
....Nice looking machine. I've had all kinds of colors of vehicles , 3 white ones right now and this is the best color for not showing that it is dirty. Try a black car, open the hood and you see fingerprints right now. My vette had to be white cause they are sharp looking.
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