
Casual User
Feb 6, 2011
2007 Z06
Hello everyone. After years and years of wanting a Corvette I finally picked up a 2007 Z06 late last year. I only drove it for 2 weeks before I sadly had to park it for the winter and I can't wait for spring.

It is essentially stock with head work, cam and a full Billy Boat exhaust system. I will be driving around the Niagara Region (hopefully very soon) so maybe I will meet up with some of you. John

Welcome Apollo.

Sweet Z06. Love the colour. Black and chrome is classic. Almost as nice as black on black. Haha. Ok I’m somewhat biased.
Enjoy your time on CCF and I’m positive you will find lots of guys to go cruising with in your area.
Get the feel for that 6 speed pushed by the fantastic low end grunt of the 7L and join us in Winnipeg.

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Apollo, congratulation on your new Corvette. Great looking car.

Keep an eye on the forum, lots of runs down to the Niagara region and it might be worth contacting "Allflash", he lives in your neighbourhood and is instrumental in organizing some of these event.

Spring is just around the corner, 6 months tops and we will be out enjoying our cars.
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I just noticed the 427 badges on the hood.... Hmm,I like those. A lot.

Mike were those 427 badges added I wonder? The C6 came out at least one later year, 2012 I think, in a special 427 model. There was a white one for sale in Edmonton for the longest time a year ago. This hood badge was one of the unique distinguishing features. I’ve never seen this on a C6 Z06 before.
I live to learn more and more little Corvette facts and details....
standing by to be enlightened.

And yes agreed they do look great on there.
Hello everyone. After years and years of wanting a Corvette I finally picked up a 2007 Z06 late last year. I only drove it for 2 weeks before I sadly had to park it for the winter and I can't wait for spring.

It is essentially stock with head work, cam and a full Billy Boat exhaust system. I will be driving around the Niagara Region (hopefully very soon) so maybe I will meet up with some of you. John

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Welcome to the forum John...I'm late with a reply but will also note what a sweet looking ride you have....:thumbs:
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Mike were those 427 badges added I wonder? The C6 came out at least one later year, 2012 I think, in a special 427 model. There was a white one for sale in Edmonton for the longest time a year ago. This hood badge was one of the unique distinguishing features. I’ve never seen this on a C6 Z06 before.
I live to learn more and more little Corvette facts and details....
standing by to be enlightened.

And yes agreed they do look great on there.
I first saw those on a 2013 427 Vert Derek. I enquired about them at the shag parts counter a couple of years ago and was quoted,,,you ready for this??....$150.00 per !! Lol. I smiled at the parts guy and turned around and walked out.

As well,Every now and then I get into a phase where I like em,and then I don’t. I also have the same issue with the hash mark stripes on the fenders every few months. Do I ? Or don’t I ?
I first saw those on a 2013 427 Vert Derek. I enquired about them at the shag parts counter a couple of years ago and was quoted,,,you ready for this??....$150.00 per !! Lol. I smiled at the parts guy and turned around and walked out.

As well,Every now and then I get into a phase where I like em,and then I don’t. I also have the same issue with the hash mark stripes on the fenders every few months. Do I ? Or don’t I ?

Yes I understand that very well. 150 per... lol Another GM bend us over for anything Corvette price point.
Nice looking ride...... it looks like it means business even sitting still. Your neighbours must love your Billy Boat exhaust
I just noticed the 427 badges on the hood.... Hmm,I like those. A lot.

Hi Mike. It’s a U.S. car originally. I’m not sure if the care came that way from the factory or they were added after. But yes I really like how it completes the hood.
Hi Mike. It’s a U.S. car originally. I’m not sure if the care came that way from the factory or they were added after. But yes I really like how it completes the hood.
I’m guessing the previous owner would’ve added those. I like em. They look pretty cool. I recall somewhere they’re supposed to be 6 inches back from the trailing edge of the hood for sh$&s and giggles. I guess I should get browsing amazon or eBay.
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