Why do you need to put tires on rubber pads? If your cement is dry and fully cured as it appears to be it won't hurt the tires at all. Been storing sports cars on cement garage floors for years, no issues. Just make sure the tires are filled to the 38 lb range , helps to stop flat spots. Then spring time reduce the air pressure when it is ready to drive.
By the way you can use a 64 gig USB in the vehicle but you have to reformat it to be for FAT files. The audio system requires that formatting and most 64 gig come formatted to exFat which won't work. 32 gig USB's come standard with FAT formatting so no issues there if you can fit it all in. You can add playlists onto the USB. I built some nice mix stuff by stealing music off the internet streaming stations, tons of the out there most without commercials. Need some software off the net to capture the digital music though.