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fair consignment fee

Try to get an idea of Retail and wholesale value of the car. Dealers will offer wholesale and retail is close to prices advertised on the web. If a broker provides a reasonable improvement on wholesale and a slight discount from retail you win. On a used C7 like mine I would expect to pay a broker a few Thousand $ to avoid issues but make sure the deal is solid and real cash is in the bank before they collect commission. For your ZR1 it might be worth it to pay more to avoid test pilots..
Reactions: Rruuff Day
The problem with BAT for us Canadians is most people that are on there are US people and they generally won't touch a Canadian vehicle with the extra BS of getting the car over the border so your car probably won't meet reserve.

1 place contacted me wanted a flat $5k fee to help sell the car a month or so back (somewhat reasonable), different place the other day is looking for a 6% + HST commission to sell the car. 6% of what the car might sell for you are looking at a 5 figure commission. No F-ing way in hell I would leave that on the table for a business to sell my car.

I have an ad, not actively looking to sell but with the current market it'll take the right amount for me to part with the car, that's all I will say.
Reactions: Rruuff Day

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