ECM's that need to "re-learn"

My mini van has the adaptive strategy it will adjust shift parameters in the TCM. My wife drives a little looney and holds the accelerator a little closer to the floor than I do. When I first get into it the trans shifts a little like a mild shift kit till it learns that I don't want to race and adapts back to grandpa mode! :driving:
You know I really don't get this concept that if you don't run your car for a while that you need to allow the ECM to re-learn or get used to something... I mean really.. What would it forget??? even if the battery was dead, I'm sure that there are no flash memory components of the ECM that would get wiped if the battery were to die..

Can someone explain this??
anyway i was just trying to help the guy out, didn't expect a spanish inquisition.....
anyway i was just trying to help the guy out, didn't expect a spanish inquisition.....

Don't worry about it pal! :( Your comment sparked a topic on a discussion board. Imagine that a automotive related topic to discuss on a corvette message forum? Not to mention we all prolly picked up a little info we may not have been aware of. :banghead:
Hey that is what this forum is all about getting the people to better understand our Corvettes.
If you have a question you can post it up here and usually get a good response, if someone knows the answer they
will post it up, if they dont then usually they will find out and post to help you out.

The information is usually the best that person knows at the time, it could maybe not be 100% but they are trying
to help with what they know. If someone makes a mistake then there are plenty here that will chime in and bring
further info to the table so we can all understand equally.

This forum is great as there are no attitudes here, everyone here has the same goal, the enjoyment of their car with
improvements in looks/power etc and not just trying to satisfy their own egos like many forums (not to be mentioned).
Also if you have a technical problem we can help you out if finding a solution and sometimes without a expensive trip
to the dealers.

Anyways, enjoy the forums, there is alot of info here for people to learn.
it was a question because I didn't understand... chill out

Easy, easy, lets keep things happy...

Glad you like sticking around this forum as it is great having you on here. The other forums have their positive points but I have been extremely impressed with the attitudes and helpfulness with the people on this forum. Keep it up everyone!
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