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E.C.P BBQ April 9th.

Thanks to all those that attended and made it a fun day in the sun :D

Here are s few pics from the BBQ



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Manny can flip burgers too! Great time Manny, Thanks!
BTW - who's that good looking mature guy with the blond hair and moustach? Looks like a movie star or some kind of celeb.....:D
Manny can flip burgers too! Great time Manny, Thanks!
BTW - who's that good looking mature guy with the blond hair and moustach? Looks like a movie star or some kind of celeb.....:D

I hear he's a porn star :rofl:
You sure had a great day for the BBQ, i wish i could have made it. Dam work always seems to get in the way. Your the man Manny. :D

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