
Thanks for the update Pierre, I might try working on some stone chips today.
I tried to remove the cap off the bottle the other day and it was siezed on.
Had to take some pliers to get it off and broke the plastic cap on removal.
Make sure you keep the top lip of the bottle clean before storing away as its
a real SOB to get off the next year!
Thanks for the update Pierre, I might try working on some stone chips today.
I tried to remove the cap off the bottle the other day and it was siezed on.
Had to take some pliers to get it off and broke the plastic cap on removal.
Make sure you keep the top lip of the bottle clean before storing away as its
a real SOB to get off the next year!
I would imagine that putting it in hot water would loosen it up? I would wrap a rubber band around it to open it and thus get more grip. Just my 2
I tired heating up a bit, then one of those rubber grips for opening jars then it started to make a cracking sound :eek:
So decided to go right for the pliers to get it open, no problem got two new glass ones at the Michaels craft store.
One for the original paint and one that I blended the color closer to my original paint as it has faded a bit over time.

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